The new 2005 Ford Gaydar

Gato_Solo said:
So when you have an item in quote tags, it should be followed, or linked, to a source.

And I've never quoted something without linking it, or telling where I got it. Grow up and stop crying about being called on it.
My facts had an obvious source....yours have no source at all. You grow up and quit crying about being called on it.

Point is you have a group of extremists who think that, by screaming the loudest, they can force the majority to accept their choices in life. By refusing to see that, you have become a mindless drone, accepting of everything that somebody tells you is good.
Yes, the group of extremists (by your own definition) is the American Family Association. By refusing to see that they screamed first trying to make everybody accept their choices in life you have made it obvious that you have no point and have only pathetic personal attacks left.
flavio said:
My facts had an obvious source....yours have no source at all. You grow up and quit crying about being called on it.


1. Mine was a personal opinion, and I stated that.
2. Mine was not in quote tags.

flavio said:
Yes, the group of extremists (by your own definition) is the American Family Association. By refusing to see that they screamed first trying to make everybody accept their choices in life you have made it obvious that you have no point and have only pathetic personal attacks left.

Nice try, but that was nowhere near a personal attack. You may think it was, but it was not. It was a very apt description of your responses to my posts after I asked you for a link in another thread.
Gato_Solo said:

1. Mine was a personal opinion, and I stated that.
You presented it as fact and only backed down to opinion when you were called on it.

2. Mine was not in quote tags.
Mine had an obvious source....yours has none at all.

Nice try, but that was nowhere near a personal attack. You may think it was, but it was not. It was a very apt description of your responses to my posts after I asked you for a link in another thread.
Namecalling is considered a personal attack here....most other places too. But that's what you always resort to when you lose a debate.
flavio said:
You presented it as fact and only backed down to opinion when you were called on it.

Backed down? How so. I always understood it to be an has everyone else reading it.

flavio said:
Mine had an obvious source....yours has none at all.

Sorry. It didn't. Nobody else thought so, either.

flavio said:
Namecalling is considered a personal attack here....most other places too. But that's what you always resort to when you lose a debate.

Well, oh wise and entertaining one, are you now the definer of insults and namecalling, or are you just upset because you're not getting any backup?

:rofl: Considering all you do here is flame-bait anyway...:rofl:
Shall we round it up? Gato resorts to name calling. Flav resorts to circular arguing and nit picking. Neither one of you presents a very convincing front. Personally, you remind me of a pair of school children. Neither one of you is willing to research beyond what you want to say. And if either one of you was half as good at arguing as you think you are, you'd have torn the other apart long since. You haven't. Leave off already, or start doing a better job.
Gato_Solo said:
Backed down? How so. I always understood it to be an has everyone else reading it.
Another unfounded claim. You're on a roll with those lately.

Sorry. It didn't. Nobody else thought so, either.
Hey, another one!

Well, oh wise and entertaining one, are you now the definer of insults and namecalling, or are you just upset because you're not getting any backup?

:rofl: Considering all you do here is flame-bait anyway...:rofl:
I would say your the flamebaiter with all these unfounded claims you make. I'm just pointing out the fact that you gave up the debate and lowered yourself to namecalling as so often happens when you can't think of anything intelligent to say. :lol2:
Professur said:
Shall we round it up? Gato resorts to name calling. Flav resorts to circular arguing and nit picking. Neither one of you presents a very convincing front. Personally, you remind me of a pair of school children. Neither one of you is willing to research beyond what you want to say. And if either one of you was half as good at arguing as you think you are, you'd have torn the other apart long since. You haven't. Leave off already, or start doing a better job.

Halle-fuckin'-llujah. If I wanted to deal with this shit, I'd go mediate disputes between my 4YO and his buddies.
Professur said:
Shall we round it up? Gato resorts to name calling. Flav resorts to circular arguing and nit picking. Neither one of you presents a very convincing front. Personally, you remind me of a pair of school children. Neither one of you is willing to research beyond what you want to say. And if either one of you was half as good at arguing as you think you are, you'd have torn the other apart long since. You haven't. Leave off already, or start doing a better job.
Ok I'll round it up. The American Family Association starts a boycott becuase Ford is advertising in gay publications. Ford bows to their whim and gay rights group protest.

The the idiots at tongutied write an article complaining that the gay rights groups are taking the position that Ford can't decide for themselves how to spend their ad dollars....completely oblivious to the fact that the AFA took the position first. SnP and Gato don't think it through and just echo tongutied's opinion.

No circular arguing or and shut.
Yeah both sides are lobby groups both are threatening to boycott. They are forcing Ford to choose a side so either way Ford looses.
ekahs retsam said:
Yeah both sides are lobby groups both are threatening to boycott. They are forcing Ford to choose a side so either way Ford looses.

Yep. So Ford probably did what any commercial enterprise would do and crunched the numbers to determine market shares, and made the decision to yank the ads from the gay mags. Can't really blame them, they have a bottom line to meet.
And after all, it is their fucking budget we're spending, last time I checked.

Don't like how Ford markets their cars? Don't buy a Ford. OTOH, don't make me listen to you whine or pay for the court to hear your silly-assed lawsuit.
HomeLAN said:
And after all, it is their fucking budget we're spending, last time I checked.
Yep, the American Family Association really shouldn't try to tellthem how to spend that budget.
Actually both the AFA and gay rights groups should go fuck them selves. who do either of them think they are to tell a company how to advertise? Im sure ford can afford real advertising agents that can give them proper numbers and demographics to which to spend their advertising dollars on.