the new 7 wonders

Luis G

Staff member
* Chichén Itzá, Mexico
* Christ Redeemer, Brazil
* The Great Wall, China
* Machu Picchu, Peru
* Petra, Jordan
* The Roman Colloseum, Italy
* The Taj Mahal, India
I heard, but didn't listen, to a story about this. I thought the new list was supposed to be 8 Wonders.
The 8th wonder is Ron Jeremy.

Y'know, I get and email from old Ron about twice a month or so suggesting that my manhood could use a bit of improvement. What I really "wonder" is a) Does he know about it? and 2) how'd he know? :lol:

Re the new wonders, does it really mean anything?
Some of them probably belong there... like the Great Wall, Chicken Pizza, and Macho Picchu... but the Christ Redeemer statue? Puh-lease. It's a modern construction that didn't have 1/20 the labor or planning or resources or difficulty as Petra ot the Taj.
I heard, but didn't listen, to a story about this. I thought the new list was supposed to be 8 Wonders.

There are 7 new wonders, the 8th are the pyramids of Giza, Egypt.
There were only seven wonders. The 8th wonder was usually a nickname given to randon people and places throughout history. I've known boxers, wrestlers, and various modern wonders referred to as being 'the one'.
The Mustang Is wondrous, ain't it?

KFC in Paris does not impress me. Mauritius has KFC, McDonalds and a Pizza Hut. Now that's wonderous! Mauritius BTW is a tiny island east of South Africa with a population of just over 1 million.
I've never understood why anyone would want to travel across the world to eat at the trashy fast food joints they can find at home.