The new capital of discrimination

Notice the fundamental decline of the Catholic Church since they dropped Latin.
Gonz said:
Notice the fundamental decline of the Catholic Church since they dropped Latin.
You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you? This, I must tell you, makes the discussion more than a little boring.

The decline of the (Roman) catholic church really began about 200 years before Martin Luther. The change from the Latin mass to local language was an attempt to regain or draw new adherents. Latin, as you may have heard, was and is a dead language. It worked to a small extent.

Just because history is written by the winners does not mean that there is nothing to be learned from it.
I can name at least 6 people who walked out of the Catholic Church because they dropped Latin. A dead language? It was a unifier. One could be a Panamanian Catholic visiting Nepal & attend a mass & miss nothing. Much like Hebrew is to Judaism.
Gonz said:
I can name at least 6 people who walked out of the Catholic Church because they dropped Latin. A dead language? It was a unifier. One could be a Panamanian Catholic visiting Nepal & attend a mass & miss nothing. Much like Hebrew is to Judaism.
They're called books. They contain useful information. Again, no idea at all...
chcr said:
You are certainly wrapped up in the popular mythology, aren't you? Bogeymen, conspiracy theory and a politically expedient "religion." :rofl:

No changes, huh? I was forced to attend catholic church during the time they were dropping the Latin mass. I know that a few years later they stopped discouraging casual reading of the bible. I guess since you didn't think of them they weren't really changes?

There have been behavioral changes. But there were never changes to the faith. The faith has always been consistent.
Gotholic said:
There have been behavioral changes. But there were never changes to the faith. The faith has always been consistent.
Hmm... When I was a kid eating meat on Friday was a mortal sin. I'm sure you'll call that a behavioral change but it looks like a change to the faith to me. I guess the whole Copernicus/Galileo thing gets ignored as "before you were born" too? Sorry, the Catholic church has changed with the times in both faith and behavior throughout it's history.

May I suggest "Iota Unum: A Study of Changes in the Catholic Church" by Romano Amerio as a starting? As I told Gonz, it's really boring to discuss things like this at length with people who's knowledge of the subject is so limited. How can you profess a faith with so little understanding of what it means?
chcr said:
Hmm... When I was a kid eating meat on Friday was a mortal sin. I'm sure you'll call that a behavioral change but it looks like a change to the faith to me. I guess the whole Copernicus/Galileo thing gets ignored as "before you were born" too? Sorry, the Catholic church has changed with the times in both faith and behavior throughout it's history.

It was Church discipline that Catholics must not eat meat on Fridays. It was not Church doctrine. Doctrines can not be changed. To abstain from eating meat was part of the disciplinary rule for Fridays since they are days of penance (they still are too). It is still encouraged to abstain from meat as a form of penance, but it is no longer binding. Eating meat on Fridays has never been intrinsically evil. It was a mortal sin for one who did eat meat on those days to deliberately and intentionally turns away from the Church that Jesus Christ established while having full knowledge of the gravity of the sin.

Has the discipline changed? Yes. Did the meaning behind the discipline changed? No.

Customs or disciplines may change as human needs warrant it and proper ecclesial authority sanctions it.

By the way, how is the "Copernicus/Galileo thing" relevant to this at all?

chcr said:
May I suggest "Iota Unum: A Study of Changes in the Catholic Church" by Romano Amerio as a starting? As I told Gonz, it's really boring to discuss things like this at length with people who's knowledge of the subject is so limited. How can you profess a faith with so little understanding of what it means?

That book has the Vatican Council II as its focus. The book does not prove that the Catholic Church has changed doctrine. If you want to prove that the Catholic Church has changed faith you must show it has changed doctrine.

You are not well versed in the Catholic faith you once knew (or thought you knew).

Re: the Latin Mass was dropped. Although, the language of the Mass is now used in the vernacular, the Latin Mass was/is not banned. Any priest may offer the Latin Mass on his own initiative. A Catholic my seek out to attend a Latin Mass as he wishes. Also, Latin is still the official language of the Catholic Church.