the official christmas blows thread

Errr, yeah, it's occasionally a bit taxing.

Most days, I leave my house at 7:30AM and get home at 12:30AM. School from 8-2:30, work from 3-12. Our assistant principal has a talk with students about their high school experience. She asked me if I had a part time job. I told her that I don't have a part time job, I have a full time job.
Yeah...sorry dude. The women's club is doing a cookie exchange at the meeting today and I didn't even bake for that. Perhaps next year?
Errr, yeah, it's occasionally a bit taxing.

Most days, I leave my house at 7:30AM and get home at 12:30AM. School from 8-2:30, work from 3-12. Our assistant principal has a talk with students about their high school experience. She asked me if I had a part time job. I told her that I don't have a part time job, I have a full time job.

So make it a part time job...seriously, unless you absolutely NEED the cash to support yourself (I'm not talking tricking out your car, I'm talking supporting yourself) is it REALLY worth running yourself down and missing out on your years of youth? Trust me, you'll have PLENTY of time to work for the rest of your life. And when you take the step into HAVING to work it's bad enough, I imagine it would be even worse to look back and realize you've spent every free moment for however many years working when you didn't HAVE to. I realize Christmas is super busy but that's when any stores with any sense hire extra employees, the majority of whom they'll let go in January because they don't need them anymore...they shouldn't be making you work so many shifts. How the hell do you do homework?
Yeah...sorry dude. The women's club is doing a cookie exchange at the meeting today and I didn't even bake for that. Perhaps next year?

Man...I got lucky! My friend SaraJane over baked so she said she could swipe me some goodies. I scored 6 chocolate dipped peanut butter fudge balls and 2 amaretto chocolate chip cookies...being a Scrooge paid off.
We did a white elephant gift exchange too! I love those things, so much fun. I'm not so crazy about the gift I ended up with, though. It's nice
LOL! I just finished posting on my ebay group about it. I'd put it up but there is a shitload of them up right now...I think i'll wait until closer to Mother's day.