The Ongoing Saga, Chapter 39


Southern Discomfort
Went to the doc yesterday. Having surgery tomorrow. He says it should be a permanent fix for my pancreatic nightmare. Gives me 70-75% odds it'll take care of it. If it don't, I'm not out anything (except the copay on insurance) and can proceed with the big-ass surgery next spring.

Overnight in the hospital at most, minimal invasive, minimal discomfort, and a 3/4 shot of being pain-free by the weekend...sign me up.

The funny part. They can do this now, where they couldn't two years ago, BECAUSE it's gotten worse. The original 2 cm pseudocyst has...grown. And grown. It's now a separate full-blown cyst, up to a nice healthy 7.5 cm (roughly occupying half the interior area of the organ it's in. No wonder I hurt so damn bad) and thus can be more readily accessed without fear of damaging the pancreas. Had to get worse to get better I suppose.

Cross fingers, whisper prayers to whomever you like, and keep a redneck in yer thoughts tomorrow. It'd sure be nice to be able to eat a meal and live a few consecutive days without this pain. Icy Hot stock might just take a hit.
Can't remove it. My other option is a drastic reconstruction of it. 8-12 hour procedure, 7-10 days in hospital, 8-12 weeks recovery afterward.
Hurry the fuck up, we've got some arguing to do. Make sure your doc wsn't trained in a yankee school. :D
Get a wifi lappy so you can post from the recovery room. I wanna see how you post on a 12 grain morphine drip.

**.... mumble... gurgle... purple spiders.... zzzzzZZZzzzz....**
Hurry the fuck up, we've got some arguing to do. Make sure your doc wsn't trained in a yankee school. :D

Perish the thought. He's a good ol' Tennessee boy, I done checked.

Unc said:
Get a wifi lappy so you can post from the recovery room. I wanna see how you post on a 12 grain morphine drip.

**.... mumble... gurgle... purple spiders.... zzzzzZZZzzzz....**

I take morphine as it is. Explains some stuff, huh?

The hospital I am going to has internet connection. At least in the pre-op rooms, don't know about the regular rooms but I would imagine it's there too.
Consider it done, SnP. Hopefully this will work so you don't have to have the big ass surgery in the Spring! Keeping fingers crossed!!! :kiss:
Good luck man. I don't pray, but I'll keep wishing for the best...

Get better soon.


The original 2 cm pseudocyst has...grown. And grown. It's now a separate full-blown cyst, up to a nice healthy 7.5 cm (roughly occupying half the interior area of the organ it's in.)

Let us know if its a Boy or a girl. :eyemouth:
SnP, my thoughts, prayers, good wishes, and all the good luck I can send your way will be coming at you.

Hope this does the trick.