The Passion of the Christ


molṑn labé
Staff member
Twenty-five million of Mel Gibsons own money invested. Calls of religious bigotry. His unusual father on TV. Nothing but rave reviews.

Are you going to see it? Are you taking your kids?
Then you believe he was a real person?

Re the movie, I'll watch it when it comes out on cable I suppose. I don't accept the story so I really will see it as a work of fiction.
I'd like to see it, but I'm with Ms. Ann in that it's supposedly deemed a bit violent and perhaps bloody for me. :s I'll try to catch it at home on dvd or something.
Sorry, it was 2000 years ago. I question the existence at all. It is certainly possible, but the story seems a very unlikely to me. More likely the biblical "Jesus" was a composite, rather like Robin Hood 1500 years later. I guess it's one of the hazards of not believing the basic premise, you start questioning the other accepted "facts." I personally find the whole business impossible to believe.
Apologies, this discussion really has nothing to do with what I understand is a pretty good movie, even if I'm not particularly interested myself. As regards Mel Gibson and the religious furor, as far as I've been able to understand he pretty much directly interprets the bible's story (albeit with graphic violence) and I don't really understand why anyone finds it upsetting.
Because he chooses to show warts & in the days of plastic surgery. I would imagine blood & gore would be part of an execution.
Gonz said:
Because he chooses to show warts & in the days of plastic surgery. I would imagine blood & gore would be part of an execution.
Absolutely. Especially an execution in those times.
My oldest son is going to this on Wednesday, with his Baptist church youth group...

I'm not real sure how I feel about that yet....
while I agree that the Bible is just a form of entertainment BCD some disagree. as far as Jesus exsisting I think he did. he was an idealist to me. some tho think he was a cult leader(my parents told me that one),and others think he is the Messiah. but I think all agree he exsisted
freako104 said:
but I think all agree he exsisted

You think wrong or assume wrong. Even if some man named Jesus did exist he could have been just a noble man who was respected in his community and for some reason became the basis of the greatest myth ever told.
freako104 said:
i havent met anyone who says he didnt.
Where do you live, Eric. We haven't really met til we've met face to face. Jesus was a reasonably common name 2000 years ago (still is). So clearly there were people named Jesus. The Jesus of the bible is, as I mentioned earlier, a composite of probably several different men, one of whom may have been crucified (probably for spreading sedition). I do not believe such a person really existed. :shrug:

IDLEchild, I would disagree about the greatest myth. Abraham, plagiarizing various Etruscan, Sumerian and Mesopotamian religious myths and selling the amalgamtion to the tribes of Israel gets number one in my book. That's just an opinion though.