chcr said:Where do you live, Eric. We haven't really met til we've met face to face. Jesus was a reasonably common name 2000 years ago (still is). So clearly there were people named Jesus. The Jesus of the bible is, as I mentioned earlier, a composite of probably several different men, one of whom may have been crucified (probably for spreading sedition). I do not believe such a person really existed.
IDLEchild, I would disagree about the greatest myth. Abraham, plagiarizing various Etruscan, Sumerian and Mesopotamian religious myths and selling the amalgamtion to the tribes of Israel gets number one in my book. That's just an opinion though.
freako104 said:I know Jesus is a common name. I had a friend named Jesus(pronounced Hay-zeus) which is the Spanish version. I have said it before. I grew up in MD. I am now in NC cause thats where my school is.
ash r said:i want to see it, and so do a lot of the girls in my Bible study group. i imagine that we may all go see it together. if not, i can probably get shannon (one of the girls in the study as well as my best friend) to go with me. she's everyone's movie-buddy![]()
Mirlyn said:I had a "non-caucasian" friend who always used to say: I believe in Jesus.....he makes the best tacos.
All the local churches bought tickets for their congregations to go--nearly to the point of selling out all shows in the past week. They also mass produced fliers to hand out to other movie-goers. That kinda upsets me. Sure they have the right to see it, but I'm not going to a theatre and scramble to get a ticket only to be outnumbered by a church group advertising themselves and their beliefs. Just not sure how much that'd affect my attitude towards the topic (and the movie).
I'll probably snag it on the $0.99 DVD rack in a year or so. Right after I see LoTR, et al.
HomeLAN said:Anytime any organized religion comes out strongly in favor of something, to the point where they're bussing their people in, I get nervous. Doesn't mean I won't see it, but that makes me wonder where the hook is.