The perils of being male


Southern Discomfort
The dean of the University of Georgia’s school of journalism has been found guilty of sexual harassment for complimenting a colleague’s clothing and expressing concern that she was walking home alone from a social function, according to the Athens Banner-Herald.

UGA’s office of legal affairs concluded that John Soloski created a “hostile of offensive work environment” for a female staff member. He has been formally reprimanded and will be required to undergo diversity indoctrination.

The incident in question, Soloski says, happened as he and the staffer were leaving a university fundraising event. He said commented on the colleague’s dress, which he said was pretty, but ``did not mean it in any sexual way.'' He also asked the woman if she was alone because he was concerned for her safety.

At the time, the woman did not act offended or reply, he said.


So this is what we have allowed our society to degenerate into. No more can a man express concern for the safety of a lady walking home alone without being branded a sexist pig. I suppose we should just let y'all get raped instead. At least that way we didn't offend you.

I was raised to be polite, to be ready to see to the safety of an unescorted lady, and to do so without being asked. No longer. Y'all are on your own, and you ain't got a damn soul to blame except yourselves. Equal means equal. Open your own doors, kill your own icky bugs, loosen your own pickle jars, and change your own spark plugs. I'll be dusting the living room.
I do not see how it is harrassment. He wanted to walk her home. Maybe he is interested or he just didnt want her to be hurt. She could have just said no thanks. Its sad that people can do shit like this for virtually nothing.
if that happened in an office setting, i'd feel like you SnP. the fact that it happened in an alternate universe, aka a University campus, it doesnt suprise me. in fact, i'd say the dean should have known better.
"Y'all are on your own, and you ain't got a damn soul to blame except yourselves. Equal means equal."

Amen to that brotha!

I too was raised to treat wimen's with respect
longer the bra burners won.

But they didn’t ‘win’ a thing.
Winky said:
I too was raised to treat wimen's with respect
longer the bra burners won.

But they didn’t ‘win’ a thing.

Yeah, but the liberals have to keep them thinking they did.
SouthernN'Proud said:
So this is what we have allowed our society to degenerate into. No more can a man express concern for the safety of a lady walking home alone without being branded a sexist pig. I suppose we should just let y'all get raped instead. At least that way we didn't offend you.

I was raised to be polite, to be ready to see to the safety of an unescorted lady, and to do so without being asked. No longer. Y'all are on your own, and you ain't got a damn soul to blame except yourselves. Equal means equal. Open your own doors, kill your own icky bugs, loosen your own pickle jars, and change your own spark plugs. I'll be dusting the living room.

SNP, being a woman, I think this whole thing is absolutely ridiculous. I myself always thank someone when they complement me and never took it as being harassement unless they said something vulger following the compliment. I had someone offer to escort me home not long ago because I was going home alone. I thanked them and declined politely.

This woman obviously has a hell of a problem if she can't even take a compliment and someone being a gentlemen. I think the fact that the University is repremanding him is just as ridiculous.

I love when a man is a gentlemen. My current boyfriend always opens the door for me, pulls out the chair when we go out to eat, etc. I think it's wonderful and always show gratitude. It's nice to see there still are men out there that do these things for women. Unfortunately, some women need to have a reality check and a good swift kick in the ass and head.
It's not always what a person says, but HOW they say it that can be construed as threatening, particularly if a woman is alone, and feeling vulnerable. :shrug:
Perhaps the mere feeling of vulnerability can be grounds for dismissal in the future. No words need even be exchanged.
BeardofPants said:
It's not always what a person says, but HOW they say it that can be construed as threatening, particularly if a woman is alone, and feeling vulnerable. :shrug:

So, am I to conclude that I am at peril of being fired, slapped, and/or arrested based solely on how a woman FEELS at that particular moment?

Welcome to Planet PMS, is that it?

I'll pass. I'm safer in here dusting this living room. Y'all won. Now live with it. I don't do jumper cables any more.