The Pope is pissed

chcr said:
Wait, wait. This is the head of the Catholic church, right? I guess that evil homosexuality doesn't apply when one of the participants is clergy and the other is ten? :rolleyes:
ah, I knew there was a reason I wasn't Catholic. :D
yes. we should all listen to the Pope and the catholic church. after all, they have a good track record of being on the cutting edge of societal change.
Gonz said:
Bishops...yes. Arch-Bishops & There may have been a small contingency of freaks "on high" but I just can't accept it was a systematic cover-ip.


In the year after the Geoghan case, at least 325 of America's 46,000 priests were removed from duty or resigned because of molestation claims. Cardinal Bernard F. Law resigned as Boston archbishopin December, giving up his post as spiritual leader to 2.1 million Catholics because of his mishandling of abuse cases.

He chose to just shuffle priests instead of stopping them.
freako104 said:
I thought a number of the priests were ex-communicated from the church?
Freako, it has been going on for centuries, if not millenia, all over the world. It's just been recently, as the power of the church has waned that people have had the courage to speak up. Everyone seems to think this is just a recent problem but it has been going on throughout the history of the church. Oh, and if you think it's limited to catholics, you're a fool.
chcr said:
Freako, it has been going on for centuries, if not millenia, all over the world. It's just been recently, as the power of the church has waned that people have had the courage to speak up. Everyone seems to think this is just a recent problem but it has been going on throughout the history of the church. Oh, and if you think it's limited to catholics, you're a fool.

Yep, I'd say at Least 80% of All churches, of All religions, are probably
corrupted in one way or another. (probably more money corruption then anything)
That's why people of the atheist persuasion can make a more substantial case nowadays.
Atheists have no case. Literally. Most of them went from disbelieving to outright vilifying religion because it's PC. It's impossible to prove a negative.
Gonz said:
Atheists have no case. Literally. Most of them went from disbelieving to outright vilifying religion because it's PC. It's impossible to prove a negative.

LOL you may have contradicted yourself there. :lloyd:
Gonz said:
Atheists have no case. Literally. Most of them went from disbelieving to outright vilifying religion because it's PC. It's impossible to prove a negative.

It wasn't love that built the great cathedrals here. Christanity used fear to keep people paying into its quaffers.

Henry VIII saw to Beckett and the pontiffs tribe.

Cromwell did away with the Crown* when they did the same. Then mass education did away with christianity.

*They came back but not as a true monarchy.
chcr said:
Freako, it has been going on for centuries, if not millenia, all over the world. It's just been recently, as the power of the church has waned that people have had the courage to speak up. Everyone seems to think this is just a recent problem but it has been going on throughout the history of the church. Oh, and if you think it's limited to catholics, you're a fool.

If you want the truth I did not think this was an old case. I thought it was recent. For the most part I affiliated historical Church power with violence and forced conversions and confessions. Also for the most part I thought it was limited to Catholics. Not saying they are the only ones but that the other Christian Denominations do it to a far less extent.

Cat: Religion itself is not corrupted. Instead it can be a beautiful idea. Man fucked it up badly
freako104 said:
Cat: Religion itself is not corrupted. Instead it can be a beautiful idea. Man fucked it up badly
Well, of course I have another opinion, but I'm too lazy to type it out right now.

ALEXANDER VI: (1431 - 1503, Pope from 1492 - 1503)

Alexander is the most notorious pope in all of history. He conducted a pontificate of nepotism, greed, ruthlessness, murder, and, as McBrien has described it, "unbridled sensuality." He became the leading figure in the saga of the Borgia family, both as a perpetuator of evil and a facilitator of the activities of the two most famous of his children, Cesare and Lucrezia.

Just a sample, a lot of this stuff was suppressed.
Catholic Peace Offering said:
Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles: I leave you peace, my peace I give you. Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your Church, and grant us the peace and unity of your kingdom where you live for ever and ever.
I don't know how it could be anything other than corrupt, freak. Man created god in his own image. Corruption was inevitable.
the reason I said it was a beautiful thing Chic is because it has some nice moral ideas(love thy neighbour, hate the sin but love the sinner, forgiveness etc). Also religious people will say we are created in Gods image but we are imperfect. I agree with the Imperfect part
1. Being baptist, I could not possibly care less what the pope thinks or says about anything.

2. I too find it curious that the very denomination that has been clobbered in the news lately for the escapades of some of its leaders is now taking a stance against an eerily similar behavior it was lambasted for, with the notable exception of the victims being children.

3. I am living proof that one can be a Christian without having a lot of support for organized religion. I will openly agree with the oft-quoted statement that more evil has been committed in the name of the church than in any other name. That being said, church, religion, faith, and Christianity are hardly the same thing.

4. I will also agree that many apects of organized religion are or have at one time or another been corrupt to varying degrees. Again, that IMO does not negate the truth of the ideaology furthered by the various Christian faiths. To me, to examine one aspect of "the church" and then conclude that that makes Christianity as a whole invalid is false logic. If one follows that line of reasoning, then one would also conclude that all science is bunk because a certain long-held theory is proven incorrect.

[SnP retreating back into the shadows, allowing the rest to duke it out as is inevitable]
freako104 said:
Cat: Religion itself is not corrupted. Instead it can be a beautiful idea. Man fucked it up badly
I agree. I didn't say anything about religion, I said "churches".
and the "preachers" in those churches.

I don't believe you have to go to church, to have religion, or to be a good Christan even.

I agree totally with SnP. ;)
Actually, cat's & SnP's take on religion isn't that far off from mine (always excepting that I don't believe and they do). There are any number of wonderful people who espouse a faith. I fear that when that faith becomes "organized" (for want of a better word) is when you get the greed and corruption and all of the things that irreligious people take exception to.
chcr said:
Actually, cat's & SnP's take on religion isn't that far off from mine (always excepting that I don't believe and they do). There are any number of wonderful people who espouse a faith. I fear that when that faith becomes "organized" (for want of a better word) is when you get the greed and corruption and all of the things that irreligious people take exception to.
Meh, same thing happens with anything that sprouts a heirarchy....those at the top have no-one to answer to (excepting 'God') so they pretty much have free reign. Religion was a good idea to start with, then Man got involved and put himself at the top =/
Raven said:
Meh, same thing happens with anything that sprouts a heirarchy
I suppose that's true as far as it goes. The difference being that in other (non-religious) heirarchies the leaders don't claim to have authority from an "ultimate" authority.
chcr said:
I suppose that's true as far as it goes. The difference being that in other (non-religious) heirarchies the leaders don't claim to have authority from an "ultimate" authority.
True, but they do believe themselves to be above other forms authority or so it would appear in the case of, for example only, megacorporations.