the quest ...

I prefer to have flesh left when I'm done with the pesky hair removal. :D

...oh, and in answer to na's question: whatever cheapo plastic razors are on sale and edge shave gel. I get a kick outta how it transforms from clear to white. :lol:
*laughing my ass off at Leslie and Q* hehehehe

I remember that Epilady ... you're right .. hurt like hell! dang!

Well, so far I've done the regular cheapo plastic razor thing, the expensive razor thing ... cold wax ... Nads ... epil-stop spray (which is basically "Nair" in a spray bottle) ...

I've never done the sugar thing .. I have this vision of a million ants crawling on me when I'm asleep cause I didn't wash it off well ... :D
Shick FX Diamond double edge blade for the face and neck. Nature is slowly taking care of my head. I think the hair from my head is migrating down to my back :(
Cheap bic razors, but ya gotta do it right. Take the razor in the shower with you. Wash the area with very hot water, soap it, and shave while the soap's still on there. Then rinse in hot water.

Feels a little like razor burn, but tell him to be a man about it. Smooth as a baby's ass.
Way more than I wanted to know about ya, HL:D

A cousin of mine was dating a wierd chick for a bit. One time she tied him up and used an Epilady on him, all over. Arms, legs, crotch, ass, even the backs of his fingers. I've never seen so much blood.
Gillette excel here.

No shaving creams, just a little water and soap after i take a bath.