The Real Newt Gingrich

Help us Rick Santorum you're our only hope

Trust me it is beyond dismal but then

you get the government you deserve
You are Ron Paul
Santorum ain't gonna make the cut unfortunately.

I'm not very happy with the options, Grinch is my leanings from the top-end, my hope is that he has learned enough to be different than his past performance. I think the potential is there for him to want to remembered as the guy who did the job that needed to be done.

Paul! -- I'll take him if that's the final choice. I know hes wreck in most areas but I think he could change our direction for the best.

Romney is the John Edwards of GOP.

Heck, I'll take Hunstmans over Obama.
Santorum ain't gonna make the cut unfortunately.

I'm not very happy with the options, Grinch is my leanings from the top-end, my hope is that he has learned enough to be different than his past performance. I think the potential is there for him to want to remembered as the guy who did the job that needed to be done.

Paul! -- I'll take him if that's the final choice. I know hes wreck in most areas but I think he could change our direction for the best.

Romney is the John Edwards of GOP.

Heck, I'll take Hunstmans over Obama.

that's almost my exact sentiment.
Santorum ain't gonna make the cut unfortunately.

That's too bad. He would give us hope for change

Gingrich has a long storied history as a make-a-deal politician. He balanced the budget (on paper) during Clintons administration. He also has a decades long history of supporting gov't healthcare & he thinks global warming may be man-made. He is Woodrow Wilson is disguise.

Romney flips like a fish out of water. He has no priciples whatsoever, politically.

Ron Paul...1936 America foreign policy all over again. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat on his domestic policy.

Santorums biggest failure is supporting Arlen Specter. It seems as though there is something about him I'm forgetting. Withstanding that, I like his stance on damn neqar everything.

Bachman...she's Sarah lite. Gimme Palin.
Newt Gingrich is a distraction

what we need we won't get

(true Conservatism)

what we will get we don't need

(Republican In Name Only)'s

It has been said that if Osamacare isn't repealed
before the goodies kick in
(it never will after that)
you can kiss this country good-bye

Well get a kissin' cuz Romney-care man will never repeal socialized health