The rebellion continues


Well-Known Member
States rebelling against Obamacare;

States rebelling against federal gun control;

Sheriffs instituting lawsuits against state gun control laws;

States rebelling against regulation.

Now we have ten counties in Colorado which want to secede from the state to form North(ern) Colorado; and they are not kidding.

They have even gotten a couple of states in Nebraska and Kansas which are showing some interest in joining.

looking forward to *any* of those folks putting rubber on the road. so far it's been a bunch of circle jerks on paper.

i would love to see texas become its own country. but it has to take the rest of the south with it. like alabama and whatnot. the real brain trusts.

that part of the south is the lowest performing part of the country.

sorry if facts bug you.

I love the dark blue DC-Boston corridor. Some of the worst poverty I've ever seen is in that section of the country.
yeah i love the rural parts of the country.

fucking stupid lecherous underclass... they'll breed themselves into poverty every time...
that map is pretty clearly flawed.
That whole section of the MS river that's circled is not in poverty.
Especially around Nashville.
The river areas have plenty of jobs.
Now, that said, there may have been a short term appliance for the areas that flooded,
but that's just a sort term snapshot.
Let's see what it looks like next year.
it's prolly at the county level. even poor areas have zones of industriousness like near main roads er rivers. in aggregate that part of the south is a butthole. full of superstitious bumpkins.
I think not.
Maybe a little more down toward New Orleans.

It seems to me there ought to be more poverty areas around Detroit.
Around Detroit is where everyone moved. Detroit itself ought to be a black hole
IMO they need to have the 'national park' areas in a different color.
I don't see them marked any differently, and there's large areas there.
Mountains, Yellowstone, Grand canyon, swamp, and others...
Would the Rural Assistance Center considering my son, who was homeschooled & holds a HS diploma, to be a HS graduate? (A product of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) Not likely.
Would the Rural Assistance Center considering my son, who was homeschooled & holds a HS diploma, to be a HS graduate? (A product of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) Not likely.

ummm, if he has HS diploma probably. er no wait it's all some big gov conspiracy. so of course not, they will classify him in the same way they classify all other likely future gas station attendants and/or entitlement collectors. er no those are the regular HS grads. like me.

is this the smart kid? so presumably he is doing better than you and has not knocked anyone up yet? or has he assumed full "indiana mode?"


His HS diploma has our name on it, not some publically funded non-education center. However, under our state law,
it's a HS diploma.

He's a deans list student & he also tells me that, yes indeed, they do try to indoctrinate, just like when I went.

Good thing he was taught to ignore communists. Too bad you weren't.