The Return of General BetrayUs


Well-Known Member
How ironic.

0bozo boots McChrystal, turns to Bush's general to save his ass.

Ironic because the left would never admit that the surge in
Iraq worked and now they look to Petraeus for help!
McChrystal is smart, and calculating.
I believe he did what he did, knowing all the while what he was in for.
He wanted out because he couldn't get the support he needed to do the job right,
and he was going to be the fall guy when it was seen that it wasn't working out right.
Obama is turning this into another Vietnam, and imo purposefully trying to get our boys killed.
I think he underestimated their skill though.
"McChrystal, the article reports, took control of the war, "by never taking his eye off the real enemy: The wimps in the White House.""
Obama is turning this into another Vietnam, and imo purposefully trying to get our boys killed.
I think he underestimated their skill though.

That was more the General's plan. Reduce air support and put more boots directly on the ground and in the line of fire. He got a few less troops than he'd requested and even admitted himself that he'd underestimated the job at hand.

It's similar to 'nam in that you're not fighting an 'army' but a bunch of guerilla fighters with no head to cut off and no headquarters to bomb. That too was an unwinnable war. Now it's just a matter of not losing too badly. Holding on until the local troops can take over, once trained.

A far cry from the "mission accomplished" , eh
How ironic.

0bozo boots McChrystal, turns to Bush's general to save his ass.

Ironic because the left would never admit that the surge in
Iraq worked and now they look to Petraeus for help!

petraeus is not bush's general. i suspect his career in the military started long before W took office. they're looking to him because he's the bloody centcom commander guy. who the fuck else would they look to?

Petraus is the commanding general that Booooosh! chose to oversee the surge in Iraq, you know, the surge that the dems called on Congress to reject, and the general that they accused of "cooking the books" for the WH, that moveondotorg called "general betrayus" in a NYslimes add?

He is, in effect, Bush's general, and he is the one the left went out of their way not to support. And now, 0bozo nor Biden, who were not present to vote when the House passed an amendment condemning the ad back in '07 are turning to him to save their ass on Afghanistan.

This is about B. Hussein 0bama being a weak president. Weak in every way but especially in foreign policy. The military knows, we know, and the world knows, and it is a dangerous situation. To believe he acts other than from agenda, ignorance and petty personal motives would require "a willing suspension of disbelief."
Re: The Return of LBJ

Just another reason having Osama in the
White House is a cryin' assed shame.

The wrongheaded Marist attempt to use the depression to
Stalinize the country is bad enough but to rob U.S. of
any chance of success in Afghanistan is criminal.

You don’t have to be a Rhodes Scholar or a PhD
to know what the history of Afghanistan portends
for the infidel with boots on the ground there.

That country is unique in all the world
they really do live in the seventh century.

We of all the nations of the world are uniquely positioned
to take these childlike primitives by the hand and lead them
into the 14th.

Iraq was handed to Hussein all but wrapped up.

In Afghanistan he should get out of the way, let the military
handle the situation or pull out tomorrow and wait for the
Taliban to regain control of the country.

There is plenty of time in the next 941 days
for Osammie’s own Iranian hostage crisis to spring forth.

Then the good old Republicans can ride in on their
White Horses in Their White cowboy hats, beat down the
foreign menace inna fortnight slash taxes, repeal deathcare
and set things to right.

and we all live happily ever after.
So, lemme get this straight.
Gitmo is still open.
Iraq is still occupied.
Petraus is still in charge.
Obama still hasn't gotten Osama.

but, but, I though Obama was about 'change'....not.
just another lie.

I've not read the Rolling Stone article. I know someone who has. From their report, there is NOTHING insubordinate from the General. This is all spin.

However, the General was wrong, or foolish, to allow that leftist rag into his presence. That is the real question. Why did a 3-Star allow Rolling Stoned magazine in? What message is he sending, and to whom?
I'm tellin' ya, he did it on purpose.
They keep saying on the news that he was fired.
He resigned. He wasn't fired. It was calculated. He wanted out.

His career is all good still.
So, lemme get this straight.
Gitmo is still open.
Iraq is still occupied.
Petraus is still in charge.
Obama still hasn't gotten Osama.

but, but, I though Obama was about 'change'....not.
just another lie.

ok, so, we give the Pakis a billion or more a year, for what?
To fund both sides of the war, apparently.
It's seem pretty apparent to me, personally, since back before Musharraf was even ousted,
during Bushes reign.

The incident, recounted by former U.S. officials, underscores the schizophrenic relationship with one of America's most crucial counterterrorism allies. Publicly, officials credit Pakistani collaboration with helping kill and capture numerous Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders. Privately, that relationship is often marked by mistrust as the two countries wage an aggressive spy battle against each other.

No nation can afford to fund both sides of a war, and survive economically.
Doesn't that seem like common since?
If so, why did Bush do it, and why is Obama continuing it?
It's either insanity, or there's an objective that both of them know, that we don't.
I certainly can't even start to guess what possible good could come from it now.
The Pakis have already proven that they aren't going to do what needs to be done,
and get bin laden.
It's been near 10 years! Good grief!:banghead: