The right is sure looking wrong these days....


I wish I wasn't so disgusted by politics of late because I should be having a hey-day in this forum. Now that this predominantly conservative forum is being forced to see the deep corruption behind their heroes (though I know conservatives well enough to know that they can justify any manner of wrongdoing if it serves their ends).....Oh I know that they are just "misunderstood", and thats why so many of them are being subpoena'd and indcted....It's really not their fault they are liars cheats and thieves (and in my mind traitors) they only do it for the good of the nation right? I guess I need to start studying up on the "evil right" and their wrongs so I can get back involved in this forum, I appologize for my absence and the lack of a sensible voice in this forum, it's just that my recent battles with meth have turned me introspective by necessity....

I only pray that the head of the evil conservative snake will get lopped off in the end, and Dick "I am so crooked I can piss on you around a corner", Cheney will be brought to justice and spend all his days in prison, where he has always belonged.....

One side has a list of things they say they stand for, the other side has a substantially similar list. :shrug: I keep telling you guys that we live in a one party system regardless of marketing. Most of the "liberals" aren't really liberal and most of the "conservatives" are not really conservative. In reality, it's a one party system and most of us happily play along with the fiction.
I think that Republican & Democrats are predomiinately the same. Liberal & conservative, not so much.
well then why don't you tell us, using plain language, what the key differences between "liberal" and "conservative" are? because i don't think i understand what those things mean. around here.
seems clear to me...

people versus politicians and what may make them electable rather than ideaology?
Ideology. If more politicians lived by it instead of hiding from it to save their ass, we'd all be a lot better off.
Ideology. If more politicians lived by it instead of hiding from it to save their ass, we'd all be a lot better off.

clear as boston harbor!

hey gonz, now, c'mon, you throw that monkeyshit around all the time, best be clarifying so's we can have informed discussion.

the essential characteristics of a liberal viewpoint are...
the essential characteristics of a conservative viewpoint are...
key differences/debates include...
I was referring to BBs post, so you can both bite me. :p

WHen, if, I find time & the motivation to explain this, yet again, I'll get back to you.

Keeping it simple-conservatives use thought not feeling in making decisions & look for & expect personal responsibility (ie, alcoholism did not make the rape understandable) for actions.
clear as boston harbor!

hey gonz, now, c'mon, you throw that monkeyshit around all the time, best be clarifying so's we can have informed discussion.

the essential characteristics of a liberal viewpoint are...
the essential characteristics of a conservative viewpoint are...
key differences/debates include...

Gee, Wally. [insert smarmy answer here]...:D
Keeping it simple-conservatives use thought not feeling in making decisions & look for & expect personal responsibility (ie, alcoholism did not make the rape understandable) for actions.

:rofl: Yeah, liberals always excuse rape as long as you're drunk. :laugh:

Actually it's liberals who use thought and not feeling->

Lesbians disgust me so we won't give them the same rights as everyone else.

9/11 happened so now we can invade any country we want.
:rofl: Yeah, liberals always excuse rape as long as you're drunk. :laugh:

Actually it's liberals who use thought and not feeling->

Lesbians disgust me so we won't give them the same rights as everyone else.

9/11 happened so now we can invade any country we want.

what say we skip the inflammatory crap for once and stick to issues?

maybe gonz will get motivated and give us a real answer soon...
His first attempt was a bit inflammatory but if you have hope for a real answer I'll wait too.