The RIGHT to hate?

A prime example of PC eating its own tail.

PC wants to preach tolerence. Until a group forms that is un-PC. Then that group should not be tolerated.

PC wants to preach diversity. Until some redneck stands up and demands that his culture be treated with the same preference others get. Then he needs diversity training because he's different., define diverse please...

PC wants to preach open mindedness. Until someone presents information, pure fact drawn directly from Congressional record, that runs contraray to the unending litany of propoganda the PCists endorse. Then we are told to ignore that.

Y'all have fun with what you created. I'll be right here in the hills, blissful in my "ignorance".
paul_valaru said:
But they have and expect the same rights as you, to say otherwise is the de-humanize them.

They have every single right every single other American has. Not one has been taken from them.
Gonz said:
They have every single right every single other American has. Not one has been taken from them.

Then if the christian group can rally against them, let them have a gay parade on campus.

back to more of the issue, it is school rules, some girl thinks it goes against her rights of relegious expression to NOT wear, say stuff that is anti-gay.
you can prance about goin'
eww eww eww I'm a proponent of aberrant sexual behavior (i.e. homos)

but let that lil' high school honey wear a shirt
denoting a sentiment against boy on boy copulation

and BAM! Lawsuit city!

seems like an inversion don't it?
Winky said:
you can prance about goin'
eww eww eww I'm a proponent of aberrant sexual behavior (i.e. homos)

but let that lil' high school honey wear a shirt
denoting a sentiment against boy on boy copulation

and BAM! Lawsuit city!

seems like an inversion don't it?

And if the prancing ponce wear's a shirt against breeders, same thing.

Cause you see Homosexuality as "aberrant sexual behavior"

That is your problem to deal with, not theirs.
paul_valaru said:
Then if the christian group can rally against them, let them have a gay parade on campus.

They do...

paul_valaru said:
back to more of the issue, it is school rules, some girl thinks it goes against her rights of relegious expression to NOT wear, say stuff that is anti-gay.

You don't know how many times I've seen shirts mocking religion, nor do you want to know. Suffice it to say that it's prevelant. Except for Islam...most anti-religious bigots seem to be afraid of mocking Islam. Don't know why. Everything else established is fair game...:confused: :devious:
Gato_Solo said:
You don't know how many times I've seen shirts mocking religion, nor do you want to know. Suffice it to say that it's prevelant. Except for Islam...most anti-religious bigots seem to be afraid of mocking Islam. Don't know why. Everything else established is fair game...:confused: :devious:


and fine, I have seen god hates fags t-shirts, and people can wear what they want, I have had to deal with people wearing swastika t-shirts.

but not at this school, it is the school rules.

and as for the parades, if they can have them then they should also allow the christian club have it's festivities, I am for EQUAL rights equal time, they only thing I would demand is that everyone would be allowed to participat in all social club activities.
paul_valaru said:

and fine, I have seen god hates fags t-shirts, and people can wear what they want, I have had to deal with people wearing swastika t-shirts.

but not at this school, it is the school rules.

and as for the parades, if they can have them then they should also allow the christian club have it's festivities, I am for EQUAL rights equal time, they only thing I would demand is that everyone would be allowed to participat in all social club activities. a rabid Devil worshipper should be allowed to sit in the same room with rabid Christians...A rabid heterosexual group should admit a rabid homosexual...a women's swim team should admit male members...
Gato_Solo said: a rabid Devil worshipper should be allowed to sit in the same room with rabid Christians...A rabid heterosexual group should admit a rabid homosexual...a women's swim team should admit male members...

to there parties, bake sales.
paul_valaru said:
to there parties, bake sales.

They're money spends just as easily as mine? Nice theory. Too bad that there's always a price to pay for that theory, though...
Gato_Solo said:
They're money spends just as easily as mine? Nice theory. Too bad that there's always a price to pay for that theory, though...

well I wouldn't participate in anything the christian group did, that is the choice that the individual has to make.
With last week's stunning revelations that the entire faculty of a Midwestern university campus voted without dissent to investigate a Christian librarian for "sexual harassment" simply because he recommended the bestselling book "The Marketing of Evil," many are asking why not a single faculty member stood up for the librarian.

The question is especially compelling in light of the decision reported Wednesday that the entire faculty had essentially overstepped their own written policies and had wrongly accused the librarian.

The lock-step faculty support for the two openly homosexual professors who led the charge against the librarian might have something to do with the fact that freshmen at the small Mansfield campus of Ohio State University are required, during their first quarter, to undergo what the university calls a "diversity seminar." But critics say the type of "tolerance re-education" OSU mandates uses tactics reminiscent of those of Chinese communist revolutionary leader Mao Tse-Tung.

