The Russian sees clearly


molṑn labé
Staff member
How come he gets it & so many here don't?

DUSHANBE, Tajikistan - Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday that terrorists are aiming to derail U.S. President George W. Bush's chances at re-election through their attacks in Iraq.

"I consider the activities of terrorists in Iraq are not as much aimed at coalition forces but more personally against President Bush," Putin said at a news conference after a regional summit in the Tajik capital, Dushanbe.

"International terrorism has as its goal to prevent the election of President Bush to a second term," he said. "If they achieve that goal, then that will give international terrorism a new impulse and extra power."

Still, Putin didn't say which candidate he favored in the Nov. 2 U.S. presidential election.

"We unconditionally respect any choice of the American people," he said. "I don't want to spoil relations with either candidate."

Putin also noted his continuing disagreement with Bush on Washington's invasion of Iraq, which Russia strongly opposed as a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council.

"Russia was always against the military operations in Iraq," he said.

Once again, John Kerry has the opportunity to be placed in the enemies Hall of Fame, just like North Vietnam. (yes I know there is no NV...that's because Kerry helped them slaughter millions, allowing the North to gain control over the South)

A funneh post there Gonzo-matic.

Now that we've defeated the Soviets and they have had to
join U.S. both of us face a common enemy in the Islamo-Fascists.

Ain't it a wunderful wurld?
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
and I think to myself . . . .

Yup, even 'ol Vlad gets it.
Putin realizes the importance of a US President that does what he says and not one that will change his mind any way the wind blows:

Last Update: Tuesday, October 19, 2004. 0:47am (AEST)
Putin backs Bush in US poll
By Moscow correspondent Emma Griffiths/

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned terrorist attacks in Iraq and around the world will increase if George W Bush is not re-elected in next month's presidential poll.

The Russian leader's comments are a tacit endorsement of his American counterpart.

Mr Putin says the terrorist attacks in Iraq are aimed personally at President George W Bush.

He says international terrorist groups want to cause maximum damage to the American President's campaign for re-election and prevent him from winning the November 2 poll.

The Russian leader says if they succeed, international terrorist groups will celebrate victory over America and the international coalition, celebrations that could lead to more terrorist attacks around the world.

Mr Putin's comments back up the widely-held belief that Russia would prefer George W Bush at the helm of the world's only superpower, even though Russia opposed the American-led invasion of Iraq.

But Mr Putin was also careful to add that Russia will respect the choice of the American people and work with the elected President, whoever that may be.
So...if Bush loses...there will be more attacks? Does that mean that if he wins, that the terrorist attacks will diminish? That's odd...I thought that you just said that they were against Bush... if he's not in power...why continue in the attacks?

How's this....the terrorists don't give a flying fuck who's in power in the long as they can keep killing people.
MrBishop said:
That's odd...I thought that you just said that they were against Bush... if he's not in power...why continue in the attacks?
They're against Bush because he'll do something about terrorism and not give in easily to their demands. If Kerry wins, the terrorists will grow a new set of balls that will make the ones they grew after Spain look positively tiny, because they'll think they influenced the elections in the most powerful nation on Earth. With a Kerry victory, I'd expect to see a few more terrorist attacks early with the attacks diminishing later only because Kerry would give in to their demands.
Yes Bishy
elect Kerry and the attacks will certainly escalate.
re-elect Bushy and the reign of terror that he has been raining down on the terrorists will continue.

The Dems have a long History of appeasement.

Truman recalled Macarthur and gave us a stalemate in Korea and set the stage for the loss in 'nam

JFK showed his lack of resolve during the Bay of Pigs invasion and caused the Cuban missile crisis. Ah heck his whole performance during that time was lousy.

Carter allowed the fall of the Shah and had the United States drug through the mud for 444 days of the Iranian hostage mess. (gave the Panama canal to the Chicoms Sheesh What a guy!)

And everyone recalls Clintons wonderful foreign policy.

Yup If ol' Bush gets re-elected the terrs can just lay low for 4 years til Billary gets in in Oh eight
Then it will a terrorist freakin' holiday fer sure.

To go off topic for a minute...sometimes on the board I just want a little backstory on why people are up when they post. I'm awake because working a graveyard shift for a couple years turned me into an insomniac.

I woke up so late today that I'm trying to catch up on some work right now (3:40am) so it's done before people who will be evaluating it get up in the morning.

So why are you up Winky? I know Phoenix doesn't observe daylight savings. Does that mean you're on Pacific time like me or are you an hour ahead?