The show nobody watched


molṑn labé
Staff member
For best actress in a supporting role, Rachel Weisz ought to win for "The Constant Gardener" because it's about how drug companies are evil, which to me is the essence of quality acting. Plus, English accent equals good acting. But Michelle Williams ("Brokeback Mountain") is engaged to Heath Ledger, who played a gay guy in "Brokeback Mountain." So I pick Weisz, with Williams as the dark-horse favorite.

Ann Coulter predicts the Oscars
Finally, my favorite category: best foreign language film. The nominees are:

"Don't Tell" (Italy)

"Joyeux Noel" (France)

"Paradise Now" (Palestine)

"Sophie Scholl" (Germany)

"Tsotsi" (South Africa)
After consulting with the Yale admissions committee, the awards committee will give the Oscar to ... "Paradise Now," a heartwarming story about Palestinian suicide bombers. How good is it? Al-Jazeera gave it 4 1/2 pipe bombs. It's Air Syria's featured in-flight movie this month -- go figure! I don't want to spoil the ending for you, but let's just say there won't be a sequel.

Oh well - can't get them all right I suppose :shrug:

I reckon that site was possibly one of the most amusing predictions yet.
The Oscars have been pointless and misguided gladassing since the 60's. All it is good for is starwatching... certainly not for seeing good movies.
I watched Jon Stewart's monologue die a horrible, lingering death, and then we simply TiVO'd to the winner announcements.
Went for a walk for a good chunk of it. I am glad that I didn't miss Lily Tomlim and Meryl Streep present an honorary award.

THEY did very well on that stage :)
^that reminded me I gotta go buy that.

We caught some blibs and blabs of the show. It was amusing watching the audience being not amused at some of his barbs. Otherwise it was blah and I found I preferred watching a rerun over the Oscars.
unclehobart said:
The Oscars have been pointless and misguided gladassing since the 60's.

It was designed to be self-congraulatory pap, used as a media marketing tool to attract folks to a new, or relatively new, medium.

They gave Annie Hall & West Side Story Oscars for best pic....c'mon.
I remember him best as one of the bad kids from 'Scent of a Woman' or as the closet gay go-fer on 'Boogie Nights'.
Remember him in "The Talented Mr. Ripley", or as the crazy guy that played Iron Butterfly over the loudspeakers in "Twister"?
Anyone else think the best song should't have gone to that "pimp" song?

Honestly, I think it was the only one that didn't really deserve anything...