The skill of Popularity: Natural or System?


New Member
Think back to your days of high school and the “popular” crowd. Now the funny thing about the group was everyone in my school would talk bad about them (things like there so stuck up, etc…), yet when it came time to vote for “Mr. High school” or “Prom King and Queen” they would always win the popular vote, go figure.

My mom thought me as a child to just be yourself and people will like you, including getting women interested in you. Well I was myself all though out the first three years of high school (and I consider myself very funny and nice [not to be conceded]) and had an ok success rate with girls. HOWEVER, I would always lose out to the “bad boy”.

Finally, I got fat up with this and began to discover the rules of the “bad boy”. For example, when I wanted to attract a girl, I would purposely have another girl walk with me in front of the girl I liked and made sure me and the “decoy” girl where laughing it up having a blast. Guess what, I ended up dating that girl that I indirectly hit on throughout the rest of high school!

You know what, these mysterious rules are there and if you ignore them then your going to be very frustrated.

MY POINT: my point is that these popular kids must be taught these invisible rules from a young age or pick up on these things quickly while the other people just become more and more jealous and frustrated as time goes by.

P.S. shoot me back some feedback on this topic and tell me if you think you know what I’m talking about.

Thats my point, these "games" are here to stay and there not going anywhere. You can deny them, I did as well, but you'll never be quite as respected as if you understand how to use them.
Cytro I see all yer threads on as well :D

Popularity all boils down to one thing....having the guts to open yer gob and make folks think yer right ;)
Oz said:
Cytro I see all yer threads on as well :D

Popularity all boils down to one thing....having the guts to open yer gob and make folks think yer right ;)

I post here and on bodybuilding to get different types of peoples opinion on the matter. Its funny you noticed though lol.
Cytro said:
I post here and on bodybuilding to get different types of peoples opinion on the matter. Its funny you noticed though lol.

lol.......dude, yer threads are some of the most intelligent on bb.......tis hard to miss 'em ;)
thanx man, its good to here a complement. I try to base my topics on things in life that intrigue me.
Re: The skill of Popularity: Natural or Skill?

Cytro said:
Finally, I got fat up with this and began to discover the rules of the ?bad boy?. For example, when I wanted to attract a girl, I would purposely have another girl walk with me in front of the girl I liked and made sure me and the ?decoy? girl where laughing it up having a blast. Guess what, I ended up dating that girl that I indirectly hit on throughout the rest of high school!

Congratulations, you stripped your self worth for momentary pleasure. Why understand and look past the shallow indiscretions when simply being a part of them is easier. You are thinking with your dick - welcome to teen culture.

You know what, these mysterious rules are there and if you ignore them then your going to be very frustrated.

No, actually life is easier when ignoring mass stupidity.

MY POINT: my point is that these popular kids must be taught these invisible rules from a young age or pick up on these things quickly while the other people just become more and more jealous and frustrated as time goes by.

..they must also be taught that humanity is a laughable concept and being cool takes precedence over being humble...oh the education of such is priceless. My kids will learn this...most definetly they will be cool as fuck.

P.S. shoot me back some feedback on this topic and tell me if you think you know what I?m talking about.

I understand very well what you're talking about and while I use to believe social games were the required order in HS, then I grew up.
the popular kids in my school didnt have kidssaying bad things about them mainly cause they werent too bad. Howver most schools are not like that. most the popular kids are little fucks. then again i never really understood the whole "clique" thing. Like gonz said the ones who play the games isnt worth it.
A second thread that makes me thing Cytro's heading for politics. Who gives a shit about substance and the real you, as long as the appearances are up to snuff, right?
freako104 said:
the popular kids in my school didnt have kidssaying bad things about them mainly cause they werent too bad. Howver most schools are not like that. most the popular kids are little fucks. then again i never really understood the whole "clique" thing. Like gonz said the ones who play the games isnt worth it.
Correction: All the popular kids are little fucks. I refuse to play along in their twisted game. The cardinal rule in high school is: Be an asshole, get the girls, bag my groceries 5 years later.

Edit: At least all popular ones i've met have been assholes.
not the ones I knew. they didnt play that kind of shit. to be honest they werent assholes. they were nice to the people. thats why I use most
My 2 cents.

While many (not all) popular people are completely assholes, there is a group of people that learn that popularity isn't everything and they focus on several other areas of their lives.

Finally, when they grow up, they have full skills (to name it someway), and certain charisma that will open them some big doors in their future.
Luis G said:
My 2 cents.

While many (not all) popular people are completely assholes, there is a group of people that learn that popularity isn't everything and they focus on several other areas of their lives.

Finally, when they grow up, they have full skills (to name it someway), and certain charisma that will open them some big doors in their future.

I have 5 cents here.....what can I get for that? :winkkiss:
Cytro said:
I post here and on bodybuilding to get different types of peoples opinion on the matter. Its funny you noticed though lol.

Ooh, hey I actually saw your thread there too. Amazing how different their opinions are! Most of the people here advocate a sense of being yourself and not conforming to the masses' expectations etc. while those guys are all about 'get buff & be popular' :lloyd:

(Apologies for the double post, I only read the rest of the thread after posting the first reply)
i dunno, cytro, being myself always worked for me :shrug: i was popular enough, but never "popular".

and i am, in general, an outgoing and friendly girl. i get shy and nervous and overly weird at times, but when this happens, i am either showered with support, love, etc, dspite these usually less than desirable traits.

i didnt pull any stunts. i didnt try to warp myself in any way, and i didnt pander to anyone.

and i was respected and enjoyed by almost everyone.
the group i mostly hung with could probably say all the same about themselves.

we didnt make snap judgements on popularity.
most of the time, it's hard to tell who's what at my shcool.
i was fairly good friends with my class' homecomming queen :shrug: she was just as weird as i am :shrug: