the Starbucks hype


New Member
Starbucks recently opened a store in Hilo - yeah, we're kinda behind the times. And I've had Starbucks before, no big deal.

What I don't get is why people think Starbucks is so great? It's not that great. The coffee tastes thin and watery to me. I walked passed my nephew-in-law, and he was actually jealous that I had a Starbucks cup in my hand :confuse3:

Their coffee is not that great. I was just desperate. I actually prefer this small local coffee shop, but it was all the way across town, and Starbucks was right there.
What gets me is that there was a GREAT coffee shop in Waimea ... with the bestest coffee EVER ... but it closed down shortly after the Waimea Starbucks opened :(

Damn Starbucks and their mass-produced-tasteless-coffee :bitchslap
kuulani said:
Damn Starbucks and their mass-produced-tasteless-coffee
Yeah, I make mine at home. I think they water down their espresso for the masses. I like it strong, that's why I drink it. BTW, we've only had a Starbuck's here for about a year.
I don't drink coffee therefore I have no idea if it's good or crap. However, their marketing was good enough to get somebody who doesn't think their coffee is that good to post free advertising.

2 points for unclehobart.
Marketing genius is right.

In the past year, so many new franchises opened in Hilo, when we have perfectly good local businesses doing their jobs:

Cold Stone Creamery
& (rumor has it) Jamba Juice coming soon
Well... either the mom and pop shops will be forced out or the big name stores will ... or worst of all, both split the business and barely keep afloat by jacking up prices 20%.

Everyone loses! *slow clapping*
HeXp£Øi± said:
Since when were any fads really all that great.
* Remembers Pogs. Still has his Pogs. Played them about a month ago too. :D

We just got Starbucks here within the past month too. Never gone, never had coffee nor the interest for coffee, so I doubt I'll ever go to one. :)

On the other hand, in Seattle they're all WiFi equipped!
* makes note to check out the two here for that reason
Gonz said:
I don't drink coffee therefore I have no idea if it's good or crap. However, their marketing was good enough to get somebody who doesn't think their coffee is that good to post free advertising.

2 points for unclehobart.

:confuse2: A long-haul trucker that doesn't drink coffee? What are you, a communist? :D
Doesn't that make you pee more than coffee? I usually drink diet coke during the day, but in the morning I generally make something with a minimum two shots of espresso in it. Getting my own machine is saving me a fortune.
Rusty likes their coffee and I like thier Breakfast Blend and Lite Note coffees with lots of half & half, sugar, and cinnamon. :D
chcr said:
Doesn't that make you pee more than coffee?

Since I don't drink coffee I don't know if my urination frequency is increased or not. Thanks for asking though :erm:
greenfreak said:
Rusty likes their coffee and I like thier Breakfast Blend and Lite Note coffees with lots of half & half, sugar, and cinnamon.
Next time I'm in NY, I'll bring my espresso machine and make you a latte with cinnamon and sugar. K?
BTW, if you ever go upstate, check out the coffee house in the commons at Anabel Taylor Hall at Cornell. Sunday nights they have the longest running live music (folk) show in American radio and much better coffee than Starbuck's:coffee:

A word of warning, Anabel Taylor Hall is part of the law college.
We have a Krups coffee/espresso maker :) We don't just drink Starbucks, only when we go see a movie cus it's right in front of the theatre. Actually, my favorite comes from a deli that I visit around the block. Besides that, I like Kenya AA, I tend to like high acidity in my coffee.