The Stats

Wow, there's been a real shift on this forum, hasn't there - away from the Lunatic Lounge, towards the Real World forum.
I remember back in the day when we used to get a thousand posts in one day...hell, in one thread!

Uphill both ways! In the snow! Barefoot! and all that
We lost so many of the old crowd. Everyone here already has heard everything anyone left has to say.
The buns thread is still the most viewed and the old 10,000 posts monster has been superseded by "let's play word association".
We lost so many of the old crowd. Everyone here already has heard everything anyone left has to say.

Not just "we". There's don't seem to be many non-specialized sites (HWC, Racing-forums) that are doing much chatting anymore.
The nature of things - the innernects 'specially, is a little microcosm of growth & change. BBs change their focus as their members change.