The Swiss

I still have no idea the correlation you're attempting to make. The Swiss, especially as a voting block, are hardly rght wing radicals...

"A right-wing campaign to outlaw minarets on mosques in a referendum being held in Switzerland today has received an unlikely boost from radical feminists arguing that the tower-like structures are “male power symbols” and reminders of Islam’s oppression of women."

"Socialist politicians have been furious to see icons of the left joining what is regarded as an anti-immigrant campaign by the populist Swiss People’s party, the biggest group in parliament."

try reading. it helps clarify many things.
The Swiss will go the way of the Red Cresent.

Gonz I think he’s trying his darndest to not take the side
of western civilization in a matter that is clearly one of
Good vs. Evil.

The Left is siding with worthless radical
Moosies that are in the process of tearing
down all of western Europe and building minarets
where Christianity once stood.

No price is too high to pay to further communism!
Doesn't the Swiss have one of the lowest crime rates? Seems they have some working ideas on how to keep the riff-raff under control.