The truth about Camelyn


Well-Known Member
Latest from the rumour mill

Camelyn, a beloved member of OTC, was recently found in the nude, in a semi-conscious state...called Iowa. Her rescuers, a pair of howdy-doody sherrifs from Littletownville, tried to find out her identity, by doing a thorough body-cavity search...when they were stopped in their tracks. imagine their surprise when it was discovered that Camelyn was unconsciously carrying a Martian probe in one of said cavities. Relief was felt by all when it was discovered that the Martian probe retained the ability to not only catch CNN, but could automatically download MP3's into Cam's subcionscious...forcing her to humm really kewl tunes constantly, and giving her the desire to buy CD's speriodically.

*mutters about dares* - ask OZ and Cam
tonksy said:
*imagines cam dressed as cartman denying having an anal probe.

Cam: You guys can't scare me. I know your making it all up!
Tonksy: Cam! There's an 80-foot satellite dish sticking out of your ass!
Cam: Sure you guys! Whatever!