The truth about Kawaii


Well-Known Member

[size=+0]The latest from the rumour mill concerns one of our newest and yet more diligent [size=+0]posters here on OTC, namely Kawaii.

[size=+0][size=+0]It seems that Kawaii is not actually a human poster, but a runaway AI created by the likes of [size=+0]Hikaru Yamatsumi, Katsuhiro Otomo, and Kazuko Tadano. It seems that Yamatsumi, Otomo and Tadano having become sick of the low profits associated with the creation of Anime in comparison to the numberless hours of dedicated work, decided to create an AI capable of filling the American market with cheap knock-off Anime. After several hundred seconds of programming and at least 3 lines of original code, Kawaii v1.01 was born. [/size][/size][/size]

[size=+0]The problem was that these three artists had borrowed code from both the “I love you” and the “Sasser” Trojans, and Kawaii v1.01 not only erased months of fine Hentai work, but escaped on a Tetsuo special bike to the edges of the internet. [/size]

[size=+0]Having found OTC hanging perpetually on the edge, Kawaii 1.01 joined it’s ranks, thinking that no self-respecting Anime artist would venture here. [/size]
It’s been months now, and despite fears of being watched through his MSWindow with binoculars, Kawaii remains in seclusion here…and continues to attempt to replicate itself by saying “…but, I Love You” on occasion, and sassing fellow OTCers.
My secret is out! Danger, Will Robinson! Danger! *splutter* I love you! I lov*sparks* Who is the creator? *flailing arms wildly* SYNTAX ERROR!
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