The truth about Ninjas

Man.. that site is sooo dumb. I saw it linked a while back and thought it would be pretty funny. But fuck no... it's just stoopid. :rolleyes:

Rock on. :headbang:
Q: What do ninjas do when they're not cutting off heads or flipping out?

A: Most of their free time is spent flying, but sometime they stab. (Ask Mark if you don't believe me.)

Is that you, mate?! :D

I remember that site being posted on Rage3d. I couldn't decide whether to even laugh at the site or not. Some things are so dumb they just aren't even funny anymore.
Agree on that one, nodnod :D

I got that site linked a while ago too, it didn't make me laugh back then, and it still didn't now. Sorry.
No shadowfax, that page is totally stupid. It feels like it was written by a 5 year old. Kids find stupid little jokes amusing. Seems to me like there are some inside jokes there too. May be humerous if your inside but not from the outside. Most of their free time is spent flying, but sometime they stab. (Ask Mark if you don't believe me.) must be an inside joke.
So you're saying I might be not as retarded as most people think I am? :D

So there's actually hope for me? :eek:
Originally posted by nodnod
Seems to me like there are some inside jokes there too. May be humerous if your inside but not from the outside.

so outside looking in will never find that site funny? :jump: :laugh5:
Well...I'm certainly not going to try to explain low-brow humour to anyone. I don't think there's any inside's just stupid-funny. The kind of funny that makes movies like Kingpin, Dumb and Dumber, and Tommy Boy...maybe not to the extent .

So the theory I'm testing is if you didn't get this site, did you like any of those movies? Or is there anyone who can say they didn't like any of those movies?

Ninjas are sooooooooooo sweet that I want to crap my pants. I can't believe it sometimes, but I feel it inside my heart. These guys are totally awesome and that's a fact. Ninjas are fast, smooth, cool, strong, powerful, and sweet. I can't wait to start yoga next year. I love ninjas with all of my body (including my pee pee).

What are you missing exactly?

The King's Gold/Babes

Scene 1:

In the olden days, there was this sweet king that had mounds of gold and babes. These pirates decided to steal the mounds and surrounded the castle and everybody freaked, except the king who was like “Chill homies, I’ll handle this crap.”

The pirates stood outside the castle walls and were like “You think you are so cool, but guess what, you’re not. Good luck dying!” Then the king replied “Yeah right. How would you like to meet my best friends?”

Then out of nowhere there was a small sound of a guitar wailing really really hard behind the hills. The wailing started getting louder and louder and louder. Then out of nowhere there was this one sweet ass ninja standing on top of a huge hill. Everybody was like “Woooooooooooow!” He was wearing all black and he had this jet red guitar in his hands. Then smoke smoked over the hills like trains. But the smoke was ninjas. And the pirates saw about a billion ninjas with guitars standing on top this his huge hill. And they started to wail…

When the ninjas wailed on their guitars, the pirates started spraying diarrhea on each other and loved it. And when they wailed harder, the pirates sprayed harder. As the ninjas sauntered down the hill, the pirates’ chests and butts exploded. (They died from this.) Then the ninjas finally reached the boss pirate who was really huge. Out of nowhere the boss pirate pulled out this baby banjo and tried to fiddle with it like a little baby-baby. The ninjas were like “Yeah right.” and all the billions of ninjas surrounded the boss pirate. Half of the ninjas all combined to form the biggest guitar in the universe. The other half formed the second biggest boner in the universe. Then the huge guitar pointed right at the pirate, who was like “Holy CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!” Before the pirate could even do anything, the super boner slapped against the guitar making the hugest wail ever to happen anywhere ever. The pirate exploded so hard that every single one of his kids he would have had exploded and all of his grandparents exploded along with his neighbors and people who he merely said “hello” to.

Then there was this huge concert at the castle. All the babes in the castle morphed into this humongous female crotch. The huge boner and crotch porked softly, while slamming into the guitar and wailing. And guess what, the king sat on top of this huge pile of gold and babes and laughed his frigg’n ass off about how stupid the pirates were.


-this script is so hot it could make Janet Reno open up a paint can with her ding dong.

Laugh or get Janet's ding-dong!
Ya know what? If you don't know how to use your seatbelt, just ring your call button and Tommy will come back there and hit you on the head with a tackhammer because you are a retard. :retard: :laugh:

I don't think David Spade is funny without him.
I thought Kingpin was not funny, but disgusting, the first time I saw it. I had to watch it a few more times before it really became funny. :D
"So Roy, let me ask you What have you been doing all these years?"
"Uh,. well the- the uh... after, after the hand, I... there- there- no there was... the eighties, you know, for a while, I...[clears throat] drinking. You know, a lotta- lotta drinking."
"Uh... are you still drinking?"
"No, no, no, I don't... that's- that's behind me now, I just... why, are you buying?"