The truth about PrincessLissa


Well-Known Member
The latest from the rumour mill

It has recently been revealed that a hottie from the OTC roster has been instrumental in the attack on the Atkins Diet throughout the Internet world. One would think that this was for the general health of the populace, but sources close to PrincessLissa have revealed her nefarious plan.

Working through the secret Horticultural Society of America, she has begun creating a flower-only diet, which will revolutionalize the dieting world. Using quasi-Lesbian imagery, she plans on marketing the eating of Roses, Tulips and Begonias as low-fat alternatives to vegetables, and the consumption of Hostas, Shrubbery and Forget-me-nots as low-carb snacks on weekends. The prices of such delectables at local garden-centers have shot up remarkably and stocks in PrincessLissa Royal Thorn-free Roses have shot up 40%. Truly, the diet world is ready for its new royalty, and PrincessLissa wants to be it.

*Cause she asked-and I love that AV*
tonksy said:
but roses taste icky.....

When was the last time that you had a diet that you actually enjoyed? They're not meant to be fun :p

You could always chew on tulips... persoanlly...I like chewing on two-lips. :D
Farts that smell of forget-me-nots..........and for all the right [pleasant] reasons not to forget! :D
LMAO! This made me giggle a whole lot. That's something I have not done for a while. Thank you so much!

BTW...I hate the Atkins diet.
PrincessLissa said:
LMAO! This made me giggle a whole lot. That's something I have not done for a while. Thank you so much!

BTW...I hate the Atkins diet.

Hey...if it makes you's worth the effort. I read up some of your posts to fish for ideas...kinda got the idea that you weren't all that fond of Aktins from there. Took that idea and ran with it. Glad you liked it. :D
Kawaii said:
Do me, do me! :jump:
Please, pretty please?

Well...maybe my recent threads might've given you the wrong idea..but, I don't swing that w...OH, you meant the Rumour Mill thing...

Sure thing Kawaii. Tomorrow OK by you? It takes a while to write them and make them at least partically relevant :) oh...and funny. Can't forget that one.

Please PM me as a reminder. :)
tonksy said:
have you been watching old man show reruns again?

Being an "old man" what am I supposed to watch :shrug: ,but I blame my comment on Nixy's bouncy little mouse and then your comment about "jumping " on the bandwagon,it was just too much :crying4:, now Nixy, Tonks and SL...on top of Kawaii....hmmm The possibilities :D
Muaaahahahahahaa Muaaaahahahaha MUAHAH...coff coff,...coff, hack...hahahahahaha!!!
*really have to stop's killin' my evil laugh :(
PrincessLissa said:
THe old ones are the only ones worth watching. :D *bounce bounce bounce*
i know! does the new one still do the beer chant?
I haven't seen the show in ages, but I don't think it will ever be the same since the short piano player who sang dirty songs and drank two mugs of beer in a second died.
Inkara1 said:
I haven't seen the show in ages, but I don't think it will ever be the same since the short piano player who sang dirty songs and drank two mugs of beer in a second died.
he died? how awful! he was awesome.

i shall chug a beer in his memory....after 9 AM of course.
Why after 9? It was only 11 minutes' difference from when you posted (according to the timestamp on your post).