The Urban Dictionary


Kissy Goddess
My son and his buddy came home and asked me the definition of a word they saw in a movie. Turns out it was very racist, so I am not EVEN going to mention the word here. While I was looking up the word, I came across "porcelain tsunami.

Who thinks up this stuff???:eek5:
Nope... I did submit a definition to urban dictionary once, but I don't remember what it was... I just know that wasn't it. I think it might have been "stack cheese."

EDIT: I checked and, indeed, I submitted "stack cheese."
My dad used to say that. I knew knew what it meant. I remember being so disgusted when I found out.
Oh, was the term, by any chance, "porch monkey"? I figure you must have searched one of the racist terms close to "porcelain" in the alphabet, then that word showed up on the alphabetical list on the left side... I'm assuming you didn't search for it.
Then you'll appreciate this. On the way in to work this morning, I saw this woman walking towards me up ahead. Wearing this ... classic '50 homemaker dress. White linen, Skirt billowed out at the bottom. June Cleaver, you know the type. Well classic dress and manners have always been a weak point for me, and this caught my attention more than a pair of naked titties, I'll tell ya. Now she was a ways off, so details were sketchy out side of the dress, right. Have I mentioned that I've better than 20/20 eyesight? Well I was focusing on the dress right up until just before I passed her. And then I noticed ..... the habit. I was checking out a freaking nun. Coulda beat myself with a stick right about then.
I was always a fan of this definition for some reason:


I think that site has some pretty funny definitions on there. I enjoy the "Random" button, just to see what pops up.
I don't see where that has anything to do with the fictional character or even a play on the name...:confused:
At the ripe age of 40, I still laugh at that kind of thing, quickly followed by the obligatory... *ew* so as to maintain some sort of false dignity :D