The VP choice is...


molṑn labé
Staff member
Tuesday 07/06/04, 9:00A.M. CDT


^^^Kerry after the bomb in The Day After^^^

Drum roll please
Wow. What a surprise. Who'd have seen it coming? I'm totally amazed. (can you just hear the excitement of my tongue in cheek delivery?) Woohoo, that's the way to keep us guessing. Simply divine. blah blah blah

John Edwards.
He might (or might not) help in the Carolinas, but as a long-time Georgia resident, I can tell you that if Kerry thinks Edwards is enough to deliver the South, he's fucked.
I think he's thinking more of the young vote than the south. Just a guess though.
Damn. I thought it was going to be Quayle for sure. That guy was pure political gold ... yuppers. Never a wrong move with Quayle.
unclehobart said:
Damn. I thought it was going to be Quayle for sure. That guy was pure political gold ... yuppers. Never a wrong move with Quayle.

Dan Quayle? I thought he was dead...well...his political career at least. :grinyes:
That's the ticket: A rich elitist Botox Boston Liberal and a Southern "Still in diapers" Breck Boy ambulance chaser....

Kerry Places Edwards a Heartbeat from Anonymity
(2004-07-06) -- Democrat presidential hopeful John Forbes Kerry has chosen North Carolina Sen. John Edwards as his running mate, placing the first-term Senator "a heartbeat from anonymity."

"If something should happen to me," said Mr. Kerry, "The American people need a man to step in and assume the mantle of anonymity which is my destiny."

A Kerry campaign spokesman said the decision came down to which of the top-running choices had the least memorable name.

"Gephardt and Vilsack were too distinctive," said one unnamed campaign source. "John Edwards is the perfect name for a man who will slip quietly below the surface of the river of history, never to rise again."

Horn Abbot, the company that makes the Trivial Pursuit board game, announced this morning it had already created the trivia card for the next edition of the game.

"Name both candidates on the Democrat ticket which lost to President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney in 2004. Hint: They both start with John, and were little-known U.S. Senators."
Strange that you brought up Danny boy. He was on the local radio today, doing an interview. I'm happy to report he's still dumb as a box of rocks.
Oh Good God my whole day was made today by our great President when asked:

REPORTER: If I could try another Edwards question -- he's being described today as charming, engaging, a nimble campaigner, a populist, and even sexy. How does he stack up against Dick Cheney?

BUSH: Dick Cheney can be president.

Now my fav right-wing wacko Lady has this to say about that

Hee Hee Hee

A shocking turn of events. These two candidates are almost identical in idealogy.

Kerry Replaces Edwards with Saddam Hussein

In a surprise move, John Kerry announced the replacement of John Edwards as his running mate. While not reported in major news media, polls showed that a Kerry-Edwards ticket would lose to Bush-Cheney. Feeling the pressure to find a candidate who matched his own views and global outlook, Kerry turned to Saddam Hussein to replace Edwards.

"It was a very close call between Saddam and Senator Clinton," a rejuvenated Kerry told reporters at a press conference. "After hours of discussion in McDonald's with my new campaign manager, Michael Moore, it was determined that Saddam was more appealing than Hillary," he added. "Besides, the French love Saddam as much as they love me, so it seemed like a natural choice."

While it might seem impossible to have Saddam be his running mate from an Iraqi prison, Kerry has apparently already put the wheels in motion to get Saddam out. Michael Moore is in the process of releasing a documentary that will prove Saddam Hussein is merely the scapegoat for hundreds of thousands of murders, tortures and rapes that were actually committed by George W. Bush instead.

Moore has shocking footage that will link Bush to Saddam's atrocities as far back as the 1980's. Apparently, Bush's father's former business partner was on the board of a company that invested in a firm that did research for a French company that sold chemicals to Iraq that were used to gas 100,000 Kurds. Editing eleven scenes together over a 23-year period clearly gives the impression that it was George W. Bush who ordered the use of chemical weapons against the Kurds, not Saddam.

The Kerry campaign is confident that this and other new evidence will allow for an immediate release of Saddam Hussein. As compensation to John Edwards for removing him from the ticket, Kerry is allowing the former trial lawyer to sue the United States and all Coalition forces for $100 billion on Saddam's behalf for false imprisonment. Edwards has already proposed a settlement that would avoid a trial. The lawsuit would be dropped in exchange for allowing Edwards to run another U.N. oil-for-food program in Iraq. Legal analysts estimate that Edwards would likely make more money scamming the oil-for-food program, so the Coalition countries are unlikely to settle.

The New York Times is already projecting Kerry as the next president based on this bold new move. No one hates George W. Bush more than Saddam Hussein, and the Times believes that journalists and other Bush-haters now have someone they can relate to on a personal level. Plus, why would terrorists attack a country run by another terrorist? Kerry will "one-up" Spain and put a terrorist in office to prevent future attacks.

Whoopi Goldberg, the entertainer who recently used vulgar expletives to degrade President Bush at a Kerry/Edwards fundraiser, said "No @#*#($ way! Saddam is on the #$()$*# ticket? That's #)(*#$ great! I can't believe the #)*$# Democrats finally #)(*#$ got it right and chose a %)($%)( candidate who #)(*$#$# appeals to the #$)(*$ heart and soul of this #()*#$ country!" She added "President Bush is a #)(#*$# who #@)*#$@ and deserves #@)(*#$@ and #)(*#$@ from a #)*@#$ and @)#*$#$ with some #)*#@$@#." When told of Whoopi's comments, Kerry commented "That Whoopi really represents the core values of this country. She is the embodiment of what it means to be a Kerry supporter."

Presidential candidate, Ralph Nader, was furious over the announcement. Nader was preparing to remove Green Party member, Peter Camejo, as his VP candidate and replace him with Saddam Hussein after the Green Party refused to nominate Nader as their candidate. Nader is reportedly spending his current campaign funds searching out Osama bin Laden to put him on the Nader ticket. The Kerry Campaign believes this ploy will backfire for Nader, since it is clear from Michael Moore's most recent film that George W. Bush has strong ties to Osama bin Laden and his family. Voters are likely to see Osama bin Laden as just another George W. Bush in an election.