The word "f**k"

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ClaireBear said:
No... it was a "failed" attempt at getting you to get off my back and leave me the... alone!!!!!

Its you with the F- here and the F- there!!! And yes! I find it offensive... but only from you!!!!!

Then why make a whole thread about it instead of a PM?
And why make a thread without saying the REAL reason?

I've been here for years, and no member has ever complained that way, you either state your problem clearly or talk directly to an admin/mod. Being suggestive doesn't work, being subtle doesn't work, giving hints doesn't work, just say it.

If this was one of the forums I moderated this would be the last reply, as this thread serves no purpose at all.
Since i can and do mod this forum, I am taking LuisG's hint. I am closing this thread. It appears that it was done to cause more strife. If you have a problem take it to PM. But dont post threads on false pretense.
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