Theist/Athiest (What if?) thread


Well-Known Member
Suppose that you wake up tomorrow and all over the news is a piece...the first ever documented, verified and actual miracle has just occurred. Everyone on the face of the earth knows that something happened because they all heard a GONG go off in their heads at that exact moment (which is what woke you up). This is the real deal, as one would say. Proof that a supreme being exists.

The problem..?

It's not your God, and its not your religion. :eek2:

*Doesn't matter what the miracle is, but it's impossible to interpret it as your religion*

For the athiests. You were wrong, but then was everyone else. Do you become born-again theists?
For the theists. What do you do about your current beliefs/religion/books/paraphenalia/churches/synagogues/laws etc...? :cool4:
Fuck him.

Miracles happen every day. They're documented every day. They're just not headline news.

And for the record, just because you bothered to post this silliness, the christian religion doesn't deny the existance of other dieties. We're simply not allowed to worship them. Therefore your newly authenticated god doesn't deny the existance of mine. In fact ... it very nearly affirms it.
Since I'm an agnostic and I don't care about religions I think I would just continue to not care. Perhaps I would become a believer, but I would definitely not change anything else. It proved that there's a God but it didn't say a thing about how to "worship" him.

In fact, I think that if there's actually a God as kind as everybody seem to think he wouldn't want to be worshiped either.
Fuck him.

Miracles happen every day. They're documented every day. They're just not headline news.

And for the record, just because you bothered to post this silliness, the christian religion doesn't deny the existance of other dieties. We're simply not allowed to worship them. Therefore your newly authenticated god doesn't deny the existance of mine. In fact ... it very nearly affirms it.
Unless of course, the new God does deny the existence of other 'gods'.

And by miracle, I meant something along the grounds of a mountain suddenly appearing over the Atlantic ocean, hovering 1/4 mile up...with this big f'n castle atop it...glowing. All literary works related to old 'false' religions suddenly turning into the new coda/history in whatever language they were written in...

Basically, what you're saying is that it wouldn't change you one way or the other?
Nope. Not in the slightest. Give him my best, tho.

That this new 'diety' claims that my God doesn't exist .... doesn't make it so, does it? If Lucifer appeared with a mountain-mounted castle hanging over the atlantic .... what would he say?
Nope. Not in the slightest. Give him my best, tho.

That this new 'diety' claims that my God doesn't exist .... doesn't make it so, does it? If Lucifer appeared with a mountain-mounted castle hanging over the atlantic .... what would he say?
Well..if it was Lucifer, that's fit into your the 'bad guy' in Christianity.

I'm talking 'the flying spaghetti monster' type of thing. Nothing like any existing deity..and unlike any existing diety, it can actually do things, prove itself god-like(by our definitions)...prayers get answered, bolts of lightning come out of a blue sky smiting rapists and child-molestors...whatever.

*Assuming, of course, that this is a benevolent deity.

Edit: Thanks for playing though...anyone else?
Well..if it was Lucifer, that's fit into your the 'bad guy' in Christianity.

I'm talking 'the flying spaghetti monster' type of thing. Nothing like any existing deity..and unlike any existing diety, it can actually do things, prove itself god-like(by our definitions)...prayers get answered, bolts of lightning come out of a blue sky smiting rapists and child-molestors...whatever.

*Assuming, of course, that this is a benevolent deity.

Again, shape changing, and wish gratification, or even the illusion there of are all within the capabilities of the existing plethora of gods and demons. As are lies and deceit. And probably withing the capabilities of any extra-terrestrials with interstellar capacity too. Nothing here yet to convince me to change my beliefs yet.

And, I'm sorry to tell you this, but the ability to 'do things, prove itself god-like .... answer prayers, etc' are hardly 'unlike existing dieties'. In fact, I'd say they're exactly like existing dieties.
Again, shape changing, and wish gratification, or even the illusion there of are all within the capabilities of the existing plethora of gods and demons. As are lies and deceit. And probably withing the capabilities of any extra-terrestrials with interstellar capacity too. Nothing here yet to convince me to change my beliefs yet.

And, I'm sorry to tell you this, but the ability to 'do things, prove itself god-like .... answer prayers, etc' are hardly 'unlike existing dieties'. In fact, I'd say they're exactly like existing dieties.
Remind me to pray for a million dollars tomorrow ;)
And for the record, just because you bothered to post this silliness, the christian religion doesn't deny the existance of other dieties. We're simply not allowed to worship them.

Christianity is monotheistic, not henotheistic. Gnostic Christianity may have been henotheistic, but I do not believe current Christian churches recognize the existence of other gods.
Christianity is monotheistic, not henotheistic. Gnostic Christianity may have been henotheistic, but I do not believe current Christian churches recognize the existence of other gods.

Straight out of the Bible. "Thou shalt have no gods before me". Seems pretty clear cut to me.
I believe that refers to man-made gods, i.e. the god of materialism. But it's all up to interpretation.
Gotta have Faith before that works, Sunshine.
Plenty of very religious people have their kids die on them...despite prayer. Plenty of war still going on despite millions of prayers for peace. Millions of prayers for an end to hunger, plagues etc... plenty of prayers for rain go unanswered. You chalking it all up to lack of faith?
:shrug: I know how to be wrong. If I am provided with indisputable proof of my error then I would admit my fault and move on the right path.
Plenty of very religious people have their kids die on them...despite prayer. Plenty of war still going on despite millions of prayers for peace. Millions of prayers for an end to hunger, plagues etc... plenty of prayers for rain go unanswered. You chalking it all up to lack of faith?

You make it so easy. God hears and answers all prayers. Sometimes, the answer is no.
Suppose that you wake up tomorrow -
For the athiests. You were wrong, but then was everyone else. Do you become born-again theists?
For the theists. What do you do about your current beliefs/religion/books/paraphenalia/churches/synagogues/laws etc...? :cool4:

Go back to sleep?
Define Miracle. Teh Christians have a pretty good one-some dead guy rose after 3 days on a cave. The Jews have a talking Mountain. I'm sure the other have some amazing stories.

We live in the age where man stood on the moon & returned safely. Seems pretty miraculous to me.
Y'know what? I'm gonna leave here now and go home to my three miracles. Anyone who wants more miracles than that is just a greedy sonofabitch.