There are some signs of intelligent life


molṑn labé
Staff member
(CBS/AP) A handful of Republican governors are considering turning down some money from the federal stimulus package...

...the governors of Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alaska, South Carolina and Idaho have all questioned whether the $787 billion bill signed into law this week will even help the economy.

"My concern is there's going to be commitments attached to it that are a mile long," said Texas Gov. Rick Perry,..."We need the freedom to pick and choose. And we need the freedom to say 'No thanks."'

Amendment X lives.

but wait...

...governors who reject some of the stimulus aid may find themselves overridden by their own legislatures because of language included in the bill that allows lawmakers to accept the federal money even if their governors object.

He inserted the provision based on the early and vocal opposition to the stimulus plan by South Carolina's Republican governor

Federalism rears its ugly head. Where's SnP when we need him?

I can't imagine what Gonz is trying to say about Amendment X when it's the state's legislature that makes the decision.
The federal government has the authority to provide legislation that allows the state legislation to overrule it's governor?

I think not.