There's a great day a-comin'

You seem incapable of making posts that aren't insulting. Are you mad about some failure in your life?

My frustration is that several people seem more iinterested put-downs than discussing a topic. Anything insulting I have said would have been because of that situation.

You don't have that same situation. Your insults are often your first post in a thread so your frustration must come from elsewhere. That's why I guessed at a possible life failure.
Wrong. You said it with the intention of trying to piss me off. No other reason. Hell, I'm surprised you didn't ask if I have Tourette's Syndrome or something.
Wrong. You said it with the intention of trying to piss me off. No other reason. Hell, I'm surprised you didn't ask if I have Tourette's Syndrome or something.

Trying to piss you off? Maybe I could have more delicate considering the good intentions behind all your insults.

Really, where do you get off acting offended?
Well, if you can't see how that's far more insulting than everything I've said to you combined, then I don't know what to tell you.
I think it's more insulting because it's about you.

How about this. You and me just cut out the insults alltogeter? I'd be up for that no problem.
Yeah, right. When a new poster disagrees with the "old guard" they are ripped, sometimes blatently, sometimes through passive-aggressive means.
I don't have the righteos view of Iran that SouthernNProud has for the confederates.

That's the biggest drawback of message starts back and a new crop of 7th graders gets access to the internet at school.

Much like last week's kielbasa, this too shall pass...
Yeah, right. When a new poster disagrees with the "old guard" they are ripped, sometimes blatently, sometimes through passive-aggressive means.

While there is certainly some truth to that, wouldn't you agree that there is occasionally an attitude taken by various posters (new or old) that invites such a response?
That's the biggest drawback of message starts back and a new crop of 7th graders gets access to the internet at school.

Much like last week's kielbasa, this too shall pass...

Read this a little closer


Attack ideas. Don't attack persons.

I'm the childish one? If you don't have a counterpoint just say so.
Gato: The CTIP training: Is it a new training and do you go into training in not just combating it but also helping victims of this kind of crime?

Nope. We're just supposed to report it. As I like to point out from time to time, we are not the police.
While there is certainly some truth to that, wouldn't you agree that there is occasionally an attitude taken by various posters (new or old) that invites such a response?

Just old. And btw, where are all the creation vs. evolution threads? I need some place to work on my post count.