These aren't your grandparents Rosenbergs


molṑn labé
Staff member
We've come a long way that good?

Feb 2, 7:51 AM (ET)

By Mike Collett-White
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (Reuters) - The father of Pakistan's atomic bomb has confessed to selling nuclear secrets to Iran, Libya and North Korea, but authorities have yet to decide if the national hero will go on trial, officials said Monday.

Top scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan was sacked as adviser to the prime minister Saturday and is the main suspect in a two-month investigation into allegations that individuals passed on Pakistan's nuclear weapons secrets to third countries.

Seven suspects are still under investigation, but senior former military and intelligence officials -- who experts say must have known about Khan's activities -- are not being questioned.

Putting Khan on trial is a sensitive issue in Pakistan, where he is revered as a national hero and the father of not only the country's, but the Islamic world's atomic bomb.

My Way
Let me see if I get this right. This guy helps give Pakistan the Nuke. OK...a BIG scientific plus for them, I guess. They make him a hero.

He then gives the nuke to other Muslim countries. Great!!

Then...he gives the info to a non-Muslim country (North Korea)... this country doesn't like the USA, so it's kind of OK... so they're thinking of not prosecuting him for selling state secrets so as to not tarnish his image.

I'm wondering which country he'll sell these state secrets to before they get ticked off and finally do something about it. Who's next? What if the Hutu suddenly get enough money to buy one Pakistani nuke and use it...will they prosecute him then?

Idiots!!!! This guy's giving away secrets and they give him a medal for it!
for them it is good. I had thought there were laws against this kind of thing. Hell if I remember correctly the Rosenbergs you mentioned got the death penalty back in the 50s. others have been jailed for it.
thats wonderful.... well it wont be the US to blame if radioactivity is falling in large quantities from the skies! I have a feeling it wont be US, EU, England, Russia, or Turkey launching the Next lets make a glass ashtray bomb. :disgust2: