These people deserve reparations


molṑn labé
Staff member
Wanna know why? They're alive. Let's ee if the left demands them.

Hundreds of people held as slaves in government-controlled Sudanese camps have reached freedom in the southern part of that nation after what was described as a "harrowing exodus from bondage."

According to a statement from Christian Solidarity International, 374 slaves safely reached the town of Warawar in southern Sudan yesterday. Representatives from CSI and members of the local Dinka community are attending to them.

Over the past three weeks, the organizations says, 503 slaves, mainly women and children, were gathered from government-run camps in northern Sudan. Most of the slaves had been held in the camps for between one and three years. The 374 slaves were tightly packed in open trucks, approximately 55 on each truck. The remaining 129 of the 503 slaves had not yet arrived as of yesterday.

they do and they should get them but I do have to wonder what kind of reparations they can get? Id offer hospital assistance and a way out of there but thats me
The American Liberal movement. They whine about things that are over 140 years old in America but stay quiet about what is still going on elsewhere.

Tell me
Hundreds of people held as slaves in government-controlled Sudanese camps
I don't feel reperations is a matter for us to decide. What they do regarding these matters is thier business. The fact that the camps were government controlled doesn't mean the slavery was government sanctioned. Seems to create many more questions than answers. But its ugly.
Oh dear god, you are nuts.

...government-run camps...Most of the slaves had been held in the camps...

Government run.

About the other-the left sticks its nose everywhere else, why not in the Sudanese slavery camps? Because they are Sudanese? It seems to me that left has a real problem with people of color.
Hey Gonz... I'll risk a banning and throw a big fuck You your way for that remark about color. See ya.
If I'm so off the mark why do Condoleeza Rice & Colin Powell get called names like Uncle Tom or sell out by the left? Why was it so difficult to gather sufficient votes for Clarence Thomas? Why did H. Carl McCall get the shaft from the Democrat party in a major state?

Every time a person of color, whom the (D) party swear they are in league with, gets a chance to actually achieve a position of real power, they bail.

I'm not talking about particular individuals since I haven't done that much research but the party doesn't have any high ranking Democrats. I had intended to start a thread about this but it seems to have slipped out early.
Not to mention allowing an "armed conflict" in Yugoslavia but completely & utterly fucking up in Somalia. That, in my opinion, is what started the terrorist wars.
Gonz said:
If I'm so off the mark why do Condoleeza Rice & Colin Powell get called names like Uncle Tom or sell out by the left? Why was it so difficult to gather sufficient votes for Clarence Thomas? Why did H. Carl McCall get the shaft from the Democrat party in a major state?

Every time a person of color, whom the (D) party swear they are in league with, gets a chance to actually achieve a position of real power, they bail.

I'm not talking about particular individuals since I haven't done that much research but the party doesn't have any high ranking Democrats. I had intended to start a thread about this but it seems to have slipped out early.

I dont recall either of them being called Sellouts by any means. Most of us left wingers dont like the right wingers and vice versa. it doesnt matter what race they are we dont agree with them
freako104 said:
I dont recall either of them being called Sellouts by any means. Most of us left wingers dont like the right wingers and vice versa. it doesnt matter what race they are we dont agree with them

Colin Powell was called a 'House Slave' by Harry Belafonte in an interview on CBS. Condaleeza Rice is hung out to dry by the President, and to the glee of many Left wing politicians. Even I take a bit of verbal pummeling for standing behind Condi and Colin here by left wing supporters. :shrug: Most of this can be sloughed off on political views, and some of it can be put down to my semi-abrasive posting, but what about the rest?
the rest? well Id say possibly racists. Though I dont like the idea that because I am left there are racists on the left
HOw in the hell could I forget Ron Brown?

In truth, Brown was not excited at all. When they met earlier in the week, Brown begged not to go. At this, the most anxious moment of his life, he dreaded the prospect of the trip. There was nothing decent or honorable about it. There no longer was anything approaching decency or honor on such junkets. He was sick of being, in his words, "a mother-f---ing tour guide for Hillary Clinton."

And this leads to the essential deceit of Clinton's hasty eulogy. The president and his wife did not love Brown as Clinton avowed. Nor did they enjoy much, if any, of "his friendship and his warmth." No, the relationship, always cool, had turned cold. Brown feared the Clintons, feared to even call them, and they deeply distrusted him.

At the U.S. Army base at Dover, Del., three days after his death, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology photographer U.S. Navy CPO Kathleen Janoski noted a nearly perfectly circular hole in the top of Brown's head. It would measure just about .45 inch in diameter.

Colin Powell was called a 'House Slave' by Harry Belafonte in an interview on CBS.

a black man...

Condaleeza Rice is hung out to dry by the President,...

a right winger...

...and to the glee of many Left wing politicians.

wrong...we'ld much rather she told the truth...

Even I take a bit of verbal pummeling for standing behind Condi and Colin here by left wing supporters. Most of this can be sloughed off on political views, and some of it can be put down to my semi-abrasive posting, but what about the rest?

Hmmm...maybe, at times, you only stand behind them because they are black...Could that be it? Any time a Secretary of State will go before the UN and pretend an Iranian's 10 year old term paper is recent intelligence so he can ask for permission to kill, they will lose any credibility and respect I may have had for them. And I wouldn't care what color they were...

I am sooo fucking tired of hearing that line, "you're only saying/doing that because I'm black..." I have to wonder how I might speak to my grandchildren about that issue. I certainly hope they learn to see things as they are as opposed to what they can twist it into....

You want to accuse me of being racist because of my opposition to this administration then go ahead. But I find it rather ironic that I can say without pause that I have participated in more civil rights demonstrations than you have...

By the way...Heres a picture of my grandchildren.
Squiggy, while you may not be one of them, I find that racism on the left is just as prevalent as on the right. I feel like there is a general feeling among at least white liberals that blacks cannot succeed without extra help. Ebonics was a good example of this. This is still racism. A lot of black leaders simply want preferential treatment which, while I disagree, is understandable.

One more point. "Look, my grandchildren are mixed race." Tell me how that is not using their race to make a point. I find that more than a little objectionable myself. It's like saying I had my child marry a black person to make a point, which would have still been racism (if you had actually had anything to do with it).
I don't think anybody called you a racist Joe

Oh really...Lets take a look at that....

It seems to me that left has a real problem with people of color.

I believe that blanket fell over me too...and it wasn't fun being ambushed like that.

Even I take a bit of verbal pummeling for standing behind Condi and Colin here by left wing supporters. Most of this can be sloughed off on political views, and some of it can be put down to my semi-abrasive posting, but what about the rest?

Now, you tell me. Which left wing supporter on these forums is going to come to mind when you think about getting pummeled for supporting those two...Could it be SQUIGGY?

Squiggy, while you may not be one of them, I find that racism on the left is just as prevalent as on the right. I feel like there is a general feeling among at least white liberals that blacks cannot succeed without extra help. Ebonics was a good example of this. This is still racism. A lot of black leaders simply want preferential treatment which, while I disagree, is understandable.

Chic...if anyone had said that some left wingers are racist I'd have replied "well no shit!" But even your example doesn't indicate the left as having a 'problem' with blacks.

One more point. "Look, my grandchildren are mixed race." Tell me how that is not using their race to make a point. I find that more than a little objectionable myself. It's like saying I had my child marry a black person to make a point, which would have still been racism (if you had actually had anything to do with it).

I assure you, it wasn't for the reasons you've put forth...
Like I have't, fuck that, Like I'm not constantly lumped in with right wing nutcases or specifically called that or some variation if not daily, it's more than weekly.

If you stand with a group you're going to get lumped in with that ideology, whether you are personally participating or not. If you object to a statement, say so & it will be, if applicable, amended.
Chic...if anyone had said that some left wingers are racist I'd have replied "well no shit!" But even your example doesn't indicate the left as having a 'problem' with blacks.
Squiggy, you know as well as I do that "having a problem with blacks" is far from the only form of racism. I did say some left wingers are racist, about as many as right wingers, IMO. Maybe more. I personally believe that "benevolent" racism is worse than antagonistic racism. At least the antagonistic ones aren't lying about it. As to you grandchildren, that was the way it looked to me. :shrug: