These things are becoming too predictable.


Well-Known Member
Prop. 200 put on hold

"On the one hand, a majority of Arizona voters cast their ballots in favor of Proposition 200, and this court is loath to disregard their decision. On the other hand, this court is obligated to uphold the Constitution of the United States, even when to do so stands in opposition to popular opinion."

God where do they get these guys?
far as I know it certainly did
but it was overly ambitious
(pitching illegal kids out of public school and such)
but this one should have been a slam dunk

Nope you can't keep illegals from voting in the
the US that would be "unconstitutional" What the FUCK?!?
The mandate this judge says he is looking for (I've read a bit about this story, and he said he was looking for a mandate) was provided by the voting public. NOw I don't live in the affected area this proposal covers, but I'd bet my last dollar that the ballot didn't read, "Yes", "No", and "Yes if it's OK with the judge".

Here's a thought, judgy-wudgy. Sit your ass down, take solace in the sleekness and stylishness of your cherished black robe, do what you were appointed/elected to do, and stay the hell out of everything else. What a concept, huh?
I don't see why illegals have even been able to draw benefits of any kind and why the courts are going out of their way in not merely just turning a blind eye, but backing up with law that which should be ... *gasp*... against the law.
unclehobart said:
I don't see why illegals have even been able to draw benefits of any kind and why the courts are going out of their way in not merely just turning a blind eye, but backing up with law that which should be ... *gasp*... against the law.

Beurocrats actually doing work and follow up?!? What are you thinking?

The whole damn thing could come to a stop if they were actually asked to do ' checking status or sumthin' :shrug:
Fat chance. Most of the bills are as thick as phone directories. They would only be able to read, question, and debate 2-3 a year. All of the dirty work has been shoved off onto staffers whom only read about half and comprehend only half of what they read. Little time bombs are snuck in all the time. Its just the full extention of the Romanesque bloat melded with several layers of yummy legalistic cheese and served up the the public ice cold.
All the assorted opinions & theses on the bill may be that thick but the text of the bill, the actual law part, is usually only a few lines. Everything else is opinion or spin.
Gonz said:
All the assorted opinions & theses on the bill may be that thick but the text of the bill, the actual law part, is usually only a few lines. Everything else is opinion or spin.

Or tags that some idiot puts into a 'must-pass' bill that he, or she, knows won't pass on it's own merits...:mad:
I've wished for years to have a legislator with the cajones to pass a law that "all contents of a bill must be specifically related to the bill". Still waiting.