They're baaaaacccckkkk


molṑn labé
Staff member
The Soviet Union is making a comeback?

Russia took Europe to the brink of a winter energy crisis yesterday when it carried out a Cold War-style threat and halted gas deliveries to Ukraine, the main conduit for exports to the West.

With a quarter of its gas supplied by Russia, Europe is facing serious disruption and price rises for as long as the dispute rumbles on.

Moscow turned off the tap at 10am after Ukraine refused to sign a new contract with the Russian state monopoly Gazprom quadrupling prices.

I'm waiting to hear somebody say that this is a plot by Bush to get Europe involved in Iraq. You know it's coming, right? ;)
Gato_Solo said:
I'm waiting to hear somebody say that this is a plot by Bush to get Europe involved in Iraq. You know it's coming, right? ;)

No question about it. Bush is "looking" for more profits from the oil....
I think the Russians are being a little bit... oh, I dunno, asshole-ish about this... going from $50 per 1,000 cubic meters to $220-$230 is a hell of an incrase... I don't think Ukraine's in the wrong for asking that the increase be phased in.

Also, Warsaw's a little peeved about Gazprom building a gas pipeline to Germany on the floor of the Baltic Sea, bypassing Poland and the millions of dollars annually in transmission fees the Poles would have collected.