they're gone *sniff*


Well-Known Member
ku'u and the baby left this morning .. :( won't see them for at least a week ... my cousins are gone too ... *sniff* ... I feel ... lost ... this is the first time in a long that that she and I have been seperated this long ...
I'm sorry. :hug: So, the friend is gone, the houseboy is over playing in the big sandbox, Wanna meet me in the cabana later?
*wraps a pareu around my body and skips off to the cabana*

to hell with later - now's as good a time as any ;)
Shadowfax said:
you do have beer, don't you?

you know, that's like asking the Pope if he's got a Bible :D

yeah - empty house .. empty compound, actually .. just me and the kids, ku'u's husband, and two nieces...

can't wait til everyone comes home.
Hopefully not soon, we've got a helluva mess to clean up around here already.
greenfreak said:
So... when are they coming back?? :)

not til Sunday *sniff* ... but ku'u called me yesterday ... we were all "this is the longest we've been apart in soooo long" hehehehe ... buncha babies!