Things that are annoying.

Am I alone in the frustration of bein' told, by the fast food groupie, to, "please pull to the first window"?

Like, ok, I'm stupid, but even I don't 'ave to be told what to do, after bein' told my 'total' ($).

Then there's the times I went to order order came to like, $7.00............gave the cashier a ten dollar bill, got $7.00 change back.......:confuse2:

The whole blank look, an' nervous question, "is this right sir" jus' dispells any effort to credit the poor soul for 'avin the courage to even stand on the opposite side of the counter.............

Made me wonder, what the hell are they teachin' my own youngins in Math class anyhows?
75renegade said:
Am I alone in the frustration of bein' told, by the fast food groupie, to, "please pull to the first window"?
They do that because sometimes when they don't have enough workers to operate both windows, they just do the cash and the food at the second window.

My friend worked at McDonalds once... you'd be surprised how often the wrong change can be put out (especially when it gets busy), that's why they've got the cash registers that tell them now.
Self-righteous bastards who can't seem to understand why everyone else doesn't see that their opinions are the ultimate truth...
Oh, wait. That's me.:anon:
chcr said:
Self-righteous bastards who can't seem to understand why everyone else doesn't see that their opinions are the ultimate truth...
Oh, wait. That's me.:anon:
No doubt bro, like, if everyone else thought like me, the world would be at such peace, no?:D