Things we attach emotion too


Staff member
It's weird the kind of things we attach emotion too, and how strong the emotion can be even after a very long time. Earlier I went to the website for my favourite radio station (, they stream their broadcast online and I usually have it on when I'm around and not watching TV. Anyway, when I turned it on it was part way through "Go rest high on that mountain" by Vince Gill...that song was played at my dad's funeral and I haven't listened to it since. It is sitting at the bottom on my play list (cause I arrange my playlist by most recently accessed) from when I downloaded it after he passed away for my mom to listen to to decide if she wanted to play that...and as soon as the music started I clicked the x and closed the radio player before I even knew what I was doing...I can NOT listen to it because listening to it will bring back all of the emotions that were there when we were following his casket out of that funeral home as the song played...almost 5 years ago...even THINKING of the lyrics brings back all those feelings more than I'd like...

So, things that have strong emotion attached to them...discuss this phenomina, give some examples if you like...I am interested to see where this thread goes.
weather and seasons remind me of a lot. sometimes the way the air is moving or the way it smells, or the color of the light or scenery will seem to bring me back to a time and place where i felt it before. the time before the sun rises on summer nights/mornings reminds me of riding around with an ex and delivering newspaper. sitting in a room and looking at the color of the light that's been reflected off the snow reminds me of when i was 12 and alone and listening to nin for the first time, wanting to disappear.
each kind of snow has a feeling attacted to it, whether it's the first snow and it's light and slushy, or the big snow of the year, i feel different ways about them.

sometimes sounds hit me weird too. a few months ago, i was at the grocery store at night and it was very quiet except for a low hollow humming noise. i began to freak out a bit, because the noise made me flash back to when i was younger and i would take baths and lay down in the tub, trying to figure out whether or not i should keep holding my breath under water.

my therapist calls me a "rapid associator". a lot of things remind me of a lot of stuff.
WOW...........where to start is the question......we do attack emotions to alot of things...material things, memories, good and bad times, people, places and things........etc........

I know this sounds silly, but I had an ankle bracelet that I wore, it was plastic beads from the boardwalk in NJ, I had it on since I moved down to Florida and about 2 months ago it got caught on the shower door and broke, when I finally realized it wasnt there I cried like a baby! :crying4: Gosh, do I miss that thing so much! :mope:
Nope, I'm an emotionless biatch. The only time I cried was when someone spilt american mustard all over their pants, and even then I suspect it was the onions.
Sure, there are a lot of things I have attached to emotions, different smells is high up on the list. Take the smell of yeast from a wee bit of moonshine production. I associate that with December as a kid, waiting for christmas, looking forward to bringing in the tree etc.. :p

But most of the associations I have are minor, I guess. It reminds me of something, and I get a brief flare of emotion, and it's pretty much gone. Some might bring back memories that leave me a bit thoughtful for whatever reason, but not to the point where it brings me to tears.
One downside to Firefox is that is the image doesn't work, instead of a red X it just shows nothing. Because of that, I don't know if Bish posted a broken image or if he put up a blank post.