Think he'll stay clean long enough to enjoy it?


New Member
When it comes to drug addicts, and especially this guy, I never truly believe they stay clean. But RDJr. is a great actor, in my opinion. I'm hoping he stays clean long enough to enjoy whatever attention he might garner from all these movies. But ultimately, I don't think he will. (full article link below)

Downey gets H'wood 'Kiss' in comeback


[size=-1]After jail time and rehab, Robert Downey Jr. is busy making movies. [/size]

Back making movies after jail time and rehab, Downey, 40, compels himself to be truthful and live healthily. Less madcap, more meditative, he has seven movies coming out in the next 12 months, plus a role in the current "Good Night, and Good Luck."

"Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang," a Raymond Chandler-esque comedic thriller opening Friday, showcases the former "SNL" cast member Downey doing what he does best - making ironic wisecracks. He plays a petty thief-turned-actor who hooks up with a gay detective/acting coach, played by Val Kilmer, to solve a crime in Hollywood.

Downey's comeback began two years ago when his friend Mel Gibson, with whom he starred in "Air America" in 1990, gave him a major role in "The Singing Detective." Then Gibson called Joel Silver, who produced the "Lethal Weapon" films and knew Downey from when they worked together on "Weird Science" in 1984.

"Back then, Robert was funny, sharp and interesting, and I thought he had a great future," remembers Silver. "Then he got into some stuff. Mel said, 'This guy is clean and focused. If you're going to help him, now's the time.'

"So I decided I'd give him 'Gothika.' Robert had to put up his whole salary for insurance, but he got a big chunk of it back. That solved his [employability] problem."

"I don't miss my old life, although I have flashes. After a tough day doing interviews, some folks go out and party. I won't make the mistake of affording myself that luxury, because I did all those rides."

Instead, Downey keeps busy making movies. He is currently playing a reporter in "Zodiac," about a serial killer. In a remake of "The Shaggy Dog" with Tim Allen, coming out next spring, he plays an evil scientist. Also upcoming are "Fur" with Nicole Kidman, "A Scanner Darkly" with Keanu Reeves, "Lucky You" with Drew Barrymore and "A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints" with Rosario Dawson. Looking back on his early career, Downey says, "It never occurred to me after 'Chaplin' [for which he got an Oscar nomination] that there was this 18-month window where I was supposed to plan the next thing, not smoke bowls and watch the History Channel. "I'd always felt like a pretty huge outsider," he adds. "Now I realize I've earned my seat in this town, and it's all right to sit in it."
People who successfully beat active addiction generally do so because they experience much pain and misfortune that stem directly from their lack of control. Robert Downey Jr has lots of money to afford various types of the "best" drugs and is probably surrounded by yes men catering to his every need. Somehow i doubt that people around him will give him the honesty he needs and aside from time in minimum security institutional facilites i doubt he will experince the suffering he needs that will convince him to change. No, i think it's more likely that he will die of his disease. The odds are againt him. He's not just your average everyday rockstar drug user. This guy is a true junkie.
A real shame too...because he is really quite brilliant when in front of the camera. It's as if he's died at an early age.
Luis G said:
Is it illegal to be an addict?

That's some fucked up law.
Only if you have a felony conviction. Terms of release for parole means that one cannot associate with other felons, posesss firearms, do drugs, sometimes no alcohol, no bad things at all... or you will go back in jail.
unclehobart said:
Only if you have a felony conviction. Terms of release for parole means that one cannot associate with other felons, posesss firearms, do drugs, sometimes no alcohol, no bad things at all... or you will go back in jail.

Why was he convicted the first time?
Did any of you ever witness his fathers TV show? Given the bloodline, doing drugs is a step up.