Think test...

24 of 25.

I kinda remember this test in another form from last year so I already knew some of the tricker answers... otherwise I probably would have had a 21 like you.
I suck at those tests. I never spend any time with VHF whatever, my radios are set in the 90's on the dial not 80's, the Campbell's soup I buy has Dora the Explorer on it and pink wasn't an option, lug nut? Come on! So many reasons that I did poorly.

Fan can go both ways, damnit (I did get their question right though)
The test won't load for me properly, just a background. It did say 100% complete, but it won't show a thing.
21 I wonder if Gonz, Gato and I missed the same ones. :D

BTW, point of information. water goes down the drain with the same rotational direction regardless of where you are. It's amazing how many people don't think so.
The test won't load for me properly, just a background. It did say 100% complete, but it won't show a thing.

Same here... I'm using Adobe Flash 9. I'm wondering if the test won't work with the newest version for some reason.