abooja said:
Hmm, then I don't see what everyone's all riled up about. I
f she's not an American, she's not expected to support American ideologies, politics or spelling. Her comments would not have seemed so offensive to me had I known that. I would just have attibuted them to her being another bitter America-hater, and left it at that.
Sorry if you're not an American, TG!
ah! now hooray for a conservative with common sense. No, I'm a kiwi, born and bred and SO SO thankful for it. Personally, I actually don't even see why an American should be
expected to support American ideologies if they disagree with them either...I mean, isn't thats what democracy and freedom is about, an open political spectrum?
theres that whole superior patriot do-or-die mentality some of you have which I'll never be able to understand. This cultural superiority that thinks less of any people outside the country I just think is small minded ... many can't think beyond your geographical location and think that the world outside is a very diverse place where your right-wing, fundamentalist christian influenced government are actually a minority compared with the rest of the - secular- and liberal world.
Actually, I realise that around half of you are more center or liberal minded anyway, its the republican extremists that seriously let you down, and apart from cultural imperialism and absolute self-righteousness as most of you kindly like to exhibit for me here. I do believe there are still some of you with potential to think for yourselves and be critical about where your government is leading you in terms of decision-making. But then I'm not necesarily in line with the democratic party over ther either - in fact I know very little about American Politics, don't really understand it and really don't care about it that much. What I care about is what I feel is right or wrong, free or repressive, democratic or corporate and moral facism. Clearly, I don't like what is happening there...But that applies to anywhere that is hapening, and its happening everywhere - it just so happens that the U.S model is one hell of an example to people who care.
But then, I've grown up in a country with a background that really is removed from the hot-house over there and frankly, I'm glad that I did so that I'm free enough to be open minded and not at all restricted or feel that I have to abide by some sort of code of national silence that prevents any anti-american criticism from being heard - see, to me that sounds a lot like extreme communism or extreme facisim - both opposite extremes but intolerant of dissident voices.
ANd aw, come on now -I'm not that bitter - i don't
reaally hate America or Americans, I just am extremely cynical and critical about the dominance of a facist, one-minded mentality over diversity. And it just so happens you are #1 on that - though I'm sure if it were china or Japan in global dominance, and we were all meant to abide by asian ideologies and morals and they were impacting on the rest of the world then I would similarly be critical of them - and I'm sure you would be too...or, would you just bomb them? hmm
I might just also point out that for people who only appear to understand each other in terms of blatant stereotypes, I think that the term Anti-american would probably be the easiest(?) for you to digest although probably a mostly misleading description of where I come from...
redneck and proud:
Maybe. But we remember the rules of capitalization at least...Now go point your snotty grammar argument somewhere else before you hurt yourself.
I actually make no proclamations about GRAMMAR, and don't really give a damn about spelling or accuracy because I see that kind of thing as restrictive to expression and really inconsequential in relation to the process of generating ideas. I'd rather get it out than worry about if i've done it "
And now really, I've been spelling humour, "humour" ever since I could write so I really don't see the point in trying to understand why the u has been taken out in your version, I think the u is better, it may sound pathetic - but I do.
I just have an innate respect for words and language in general and since the form that I learned it in is the one that I grew to respect thats naturally the one I prefer, the one I think is best...