This bitch got off way too easy...

tonksy said:
no. she is a murderer. he is an accomplice. if my husband killed someone i would turn him in. murder is murder. he covered for her. maybe twice. she should fry. he should serve jail time. she is much much worse but he is a guilty party too. if it was the other way around my view would be the same....actually i feel more anger towards the woman than the man. not to say that men don't have the natural parenting instinct but for a woman to kill her own newborn is...abhorrant.

It actually happens more often than you suspect. I'm sure you've read about the young ladies who put their newborns in trash dumpsters...
They're both accused of murder and complicity to commit. Works for me.

Oh, and Gato, they both had it coming (and got it) in the thread you pointed out, too. Your paranoia is showing a bit.
HomeLAN said:
They're both accused of murder and complicity to commit. Works for me.

Oh, and Gato, they both had it coming (and got it) in the thread you pointed out, too. Your paranoia is showing a bit.

I never pointed/highlighted a thread. That was ResearchMonkey. ;)

As for my is it that, whenever a woman is accused of murder, somebody always looks for an accomplice? It's not paranoia...;)
Actually, it was AB Normal. *sigh* Been a long day.

I've been known to look for accomplices no matter what the sex of the criminal. Perhaps that's my own paranoia showing...
BTW...even if he helped to cover up the murder, it only gets him charged with aiding and abbetting. An accomplice helps commit the crime. ;)
Who was watching the kids while she did the first one? Sounds like a probable accomplice to me.
All I can add to this is why only two consecutive terms of 15 years? For two murders? Seems ridiculously short to me.
HomeLAN said:
Who was watching the kids while she did the first one? Sounds like a probable accomplice to me.

You have no idea where, and when, the first murder occured. Were the kids with dad visiting Grandma? Perhaps he was at work, and the kids were napping. That info will come out in his trial, doncha think? You are grasping at straws here, HL. ;)
kuulani said:
All I can add to this is why only two consecutive terms of 15 years? For two murders? Seems ridiculously short to me.
Thus my title for this thread... :) That, plus my choice of adjective for the woman wasn't just a randomly-selected vulgarity, either.

Regardless of how much blame can be attributed to the mother or to the father, all I can really say, for now, is that my full agreement goes to tonsky in the first reply:
tonksy said:

if you don't want your kids there are gazillions that do.
This was exactly what I was thinking when I first read this story. If you decide at the last minute that you don't want the kid, you can give him/her up for adoption with someone that really does want that kid. It's even possible--and if done right, not even illegal--to make money (or at least not lose any money; in other words, all expenses paid)--doing this.

All I know is that I once had a dream, and in this dream, I had to kill my own son, who was 2. I pushed him over a cliff, and when he grabbed onto something just over the ledge, I tore his hands free and watched him fall to his death. I don't remember what the reason in the dream for this, and I don't remember how, in the dream, I felt about it, but I do know that now, in real life, the memory of that dream haunts me to this day.
whoa, that's one freaky ass dream! i dreamt once that my sister was attacked by a shark. the dream scared me so much, and felt so real, i had to wake my sister up to make sure it was just a dream.