This Commie idiot calls for violent revolucion in the United States


Well-Known Member
I guess he doesn't understand that even when he's naked he will still be wearing a uniform he cannot change. If he wants a race war he can plan on being on the losing side. We kicked Mexico's ass numerous times before and we will kick her ass again.

"A global struggle against imperialism & capitalism"...."our enemy is capitalism & imperialism."

La Raza, spreading misery to all through communism...coming soon to a city near you.

This professor is the enemy of great teachers like Jaime Escalante.
I guess he doesn't understand that even when he's naked he will still be wearing a uniform he cannot change. If he wants a race war he can plan on being on the losing side. We kicked Mexico's ass numerous times before and we will kick her ass again.
I didn't bother to watch the vid, sorry.

Make sure you don't include the War for Independence between Texas and Mexico. That was not a "we" that kicked Mexico's ass. That was Texas that kicked Mexico's ass. ;)
That's why I didn't bother to watch. ;)

I thought that it was another TeaParty video. :shrug:

I don't know whether you are saying that all Tea Party members are Commies or if it is a video put out by the Tea Party showcasing a Commie.

This is a Leftist rally being spoken at by a Commie who wants to foment a revolucion in this country by Latinos from Mexico, Central, and South America.

The Tea Party does not espouse violence at any level, unlike the Leftists who riot at the drop of a hat for most any reason.
The Tea Party does not espouse violence at any level, unlike the Leftists whoi riot at the drop of a hat for most any reason.


Bachmann (R) said:
“I want people in Minnesota armed and dangerous on this issue of the energy tax because we need to fight back. Thomas Jefferson told us ‘having a revolution every now and then is a good thing,’ and the people – we the people – are going to have to fight back hard if we’re not going to lose our country. And I think this has the potential of changing the dynamic of freedom forever in the United States.” …
Lets not forget the most fav quote from the party.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants
Lets not forget the most fav quote from the party.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants

And they have acted on that quote exactly how many times?????

In the meantime Leftists riot in Seattle, WA (1999) the G-20 (2009), The G-8 (2007, 2008), the WTO (1999), Athens, Greece (2010), Asheville, NC, (May Day 2010) Santa Cruz, CA (2010), Calgary, Alberta (June, 2000 and June, 2002), 1968 Democratic Convention, the list goes on.

The fact remains that those on your side of the political landscape are extremely violent people who believe that violence and killing are the answer. Your side isn't just hoisting banners with quotes from the Founders on them. They are rioting, destroying, and killing en masse.
And they have acted on that quote exactly how many times?????

In the meantime Leftists riot in Seattle, WA (1999) the G-20 (2009), The G-8 (2007, 2008), the WTO (1999), Athens, Greece (2010), Asheville, NC, (May Day 2010) Santa Cruz, CA (2010), Calgary, Alberta (June, 2000 and June, 2002), 1968 Democratic Convention, the list goes on.

The fact remains that those on your side of the political landscape are extremely violent people who believe that violence and killing are the answer. Your side isn't just hoisting banners with quotes from the Founders on them. They are rioting, destroying, and killing en masse.

how does this work? oh yea.

how does this work? oh yea.


It'd work if it was actually backed up with facts..but it isn't.

1) They were Anti-globalization* Isn't that the right-wing's drum?
2) No violence. A lot of people making noise. That's about it.
Seattle 1999 - anarchists.
Frankly, the Mardi Gras riots in Seattle are more interesting.

You can point fingers all you like and allude that if it's a riot against the g8 or g20 that it's lefties..but it doesn't wash.
Palin: Don't retreat..Reload
Along with the nice visual map with all the crosshairs on it. Yeah..perfectly innocent
It'd work if it was actually backed up with facts..but it isn't.

1) They were Anti-globalization* Isn't that the right-wing's drum?
2) No violence. A lot of people making noise. That's about it.

They are anti-capitalist. They destroy the property of those who are in no way involved in their issue. They cover their faces the same way you see Leftists do throughout the world. Conservative rallies show a sea of faces, uncovered and unashamed, peacefully exercising their right to petition their government.​

Seattle 1999 - anarchists.
Frankly, the Mardi Gras riots in Seattle are more interesting.

You can point fingers all you like and allude that if it's a riot against the g8 or g20 that it's lefties..but it doesn't wash.

Revelry gone out of hand by a group of people from across the political spectrum does not hold candle to an organized orgy of destruction called at a date and time certain. The Mardi Gras rioters did not bring with them the tools for property destruction, violence, and mayhem.​

Palin: Don't retreat..Reload
Along with the nice visual map with all the crosshairs on it. Yeah..perfectly innocent

So an old saying, used tongue-in-cheek by a woman well known for such things, becomes a call to arms to march on, and kill, all politicians in the targeted areas? Only a Lefty could ever see that.

One of the things we always say about Lefties is they have no sense of humor and they want the rest of us our entire society, to be as humorless as they are.
They are anti-capitalist. They destroy the property of those who are in no way involved in their issue. They cover their faces the same way you see Leftists do throughout the world. Conservative rallies show a sea of faces, uncovered and unashamed, peacefully exercising their right to petition their government.​

Righties usually are the ones to cover their faces. See KKK, neo nazis, etc.

So an old saying, used tongue-in-cheek by a woman well known for such things, becomes a call to arms to march on, and kill, all politicians in the targeted areas? Only a Lefty could ever see that.

It's pretty obvious. Only a righty could not see it.

One of the things we always say about Lefties is they have no sense of humor and they want the rest of us our entire society, to be as humorless as they are.

Actually it's righties that have no sense of humor. There is no righty equivalent of the Daily Show or Colbert Report because they are naturally humorless. Probably want the rest of us to be as humorless as them.
Anyone hear of Smedley Butler? I just learned about him the other day. It is very interesting about what he said was being planned.
Bring it on Paco.

Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints.
The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts.
I operated on three continents.