This explains so much really


Southern Discomfort
Canadian pot bust

A Canadian police search for marijuana grow operations mushroomed as officers discovered 22 units in a Toronto high rise were being used to cultivate the illegal drug, four times more than expected.

Now we knonw why certain unnamed mushrooms act as they do perhaps. :devious:

Media reports said police were originally alerted to the marijuana operations last April when a fire broke out in one of the units. Malcolm declined to specify what tipped off police.

Might have been seeing all the firemen eating Doritos...

In 2004, police raided an abandoned brewery near the Ontario city of Barrie which had 30,000 marijuana plants in what was called the biggest growing operation in Canadian history.

Hmmm....curiouser and curiouser....
Prof is not even from the PROVINCE that Toronto is in. However, in 3 days I will be a Torontonian :)