This guy could be speaking to Obama from the floor of Congress


Well-Known Member
Any of this sound familiar? Well, its your future he is speaking about. He could as easily be standing on the floor of the Senate or House and the speech would ring the same.

Unfortunately, he's not offering up any alternatives, any more than are the Republicans and other parties.

Bush laid the bed, Obama gets to try and sleep in those rumpled and soiled sheets.
One pol out of what, a bazillion, with the sack to say what needs to be said
One pol out of what, a bazillion, with the sack to say what needs to be said

You could say that. Or you could say how much he reminded everyone of John Boehner as he called a major press conference and began by waving the little blue jacketed pamphlet reportedly containing the "Republican version of the budget". Which, I might add, contained no figures but empty rhetoric. But we already knew that. At least those of us who have seen through the republican smoke and mirrors show. And just as the chap from jolly old England managed to do with his long winded speech was nothing more than to criticize, condemn and complain but in the end, offered no solutions, no suggestions and nary a hint of what he felt might be necessary to change things. For a minute it sounded like John Boehner or Mitch McConnell presenting a parody of five minutes with Andy Rooney.

Just as the party of "no", the republican party, is doing today. Republicans have had twenty of the last twenty-eight years to bring things such as a stable economy, environment and business climate in industry and finances. But instead, the republicans have fallen on their faces. And fallen in the mud. And with every additional attempt to reestablish credibility, they end up making themselves look worse than before. The example set by Boehner is just one more in the latest in a long, extended line of republicans who wander the same, worn pathway while preaching exactly the opposite of what they stand for. Talk about being screwed up!
But for one moment, let's be serious. Honestly now, the republican party should be embarrassed. They are stagnant and, some might say, regressive. They are standing in the doorway espousing the same old talk that got the U.S. in the situation they are in today and saying it is wrong; but how will they change it when the best they have to offer is a nineteen page blue jacketed pamphlet filled with ?????

The public has had enough. The public voted against republicans and rather than learn from the drubbing, managed to mount yet one more charge up the hill to embarrass themselves by sending Boehner to confront the issue and all he managed to do was make an ass of himself with his "budget plan." What made it worse was Boehner did it in front of the entire world! That display of stupidity will enhance Americans image to the international community.

Republicans really should get a grip and face the fact they must quit snipping at President Obama and the party of change and realize that they, the republican party, are the party that needs to change.
Republicans do suck, don't they? Kinda like Democrats.

They only suck when they say one thing and do another. When the 'pubs build a stockpile of debt, try to sell America on a flawed fiscal policy and then criticize the dems for doing the same thing, they suck. Why do you think people get so frustrated?
The 'pubs have pandered to industry and banking, removed regulations all at the expense of everyone. Tell me your IRA or pension fund didn't shrink as a result of 'pub politics. Yet the 'pubs line up and throw more swill in the trough while telling us how fat we'll get and the only ones getting fat are the ones throwing the swill in the trough because the 'pubs have used a hands off policy.
Are the democrats any better? HELL NO! We can only hope they will be wiser in fiscal policy but as far as I am concerned, they aren't doing to well at this stage throwing good money after bad.

What the dems really need do is quit the bailouts, take AIG and sell it off. We've already loaned more money to GM and Chrysler than the two of them together are worth and still we bitch about poor lending practices by banks and dumb investments by Wall Street. If we had let them sink there would be no concern over who got multi-million dollar bonuses.
SO, SCREW'EM!! If industry or Wall Street can't make it, let them sink.

WOW! Now I feel better!