This guy lies and doesn't care if he gets caught

Book of Exodus - LONG before Jesus was born. Hence Cato's statement.

I didn't get the "fulfill" part. After looking it up I see some sects believe Jesus "fulfilled" the Old Testament so you don't have to obey it. Kinda like "ignore all that other stuff god used to say, I know it was nutz".

But I guess Cat wants new testament examples of intolerance. So here's 155 examples for starters....

Does that help Cat?

If you read your post you will find that you are still not over Bush. He's gone. Get over it.

Got anything to snivel about on Reagan?
You miss the point Jim. All those old ass religious texts are messed up. Including the one you claim to subscribe to when it's convenient.

And you might not want to depend on Rush for your history lessons. Since he's a know liar and all. :laugh:

Key portion highlighted....

Seems to be a common thread used by all who hide behind a phony God....

If indeed Jesus was God, and if indeed we should do as he said, I see zero time or effort being devoted towards fear and hatred. Modern evangelicals spend 90% of their efforts on it. The modern evangelicals are indeed the very same "wolves in sheep's clothing" they claim to be against. May God save their souls, as they are surely going to need it!

"Muslims", "christians", "jews", you name it, they are all completely clueless about the meaning of what they purport to teach! Hopefully when they all destroy each other they won't take the good folks with them!

Perhaps you both need to read THIS POST -- if its "convenient", of course.
If you only follow the 10 commandments and ignore the rest of the teachings most christians probably wouldn't consider you one of them.

"But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work—you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns."

Do you follow that and give your slaves the day off?
By that logic, you need to have not only a slave to be a Christian, but also kids and livestock, and also, a Martian must live in your town.
He knows the Obamanites will buy the lie because he knows they love being lied to.<<snippety snip>>
tisk tisk, JP... I was going to participate, but not with nastiness like that.

"I'm so tired...."
like i said, it was for effect. i suppose most folks your age don't use such language quite so casually. and perhaps i should kleen up my pottymouth a bit. but "hatred?" um, not even close.
I didn't get the "fulfill" part. After looking it up I see some sects believe Jesus "fulfilled" the Old Testament so you don't have to obey it. Kinda like "ignore all that other stuff god used to say, I know it was nutz".

But I guess Cat wants new testament examples of intolerance. So here's 155 examples for starters....

Does that help Cat?

nope, there's still heavy penalty, just doesn't have to be death.
It's then left to the laws of the land, which may still be death in some cases.
Ezekiel 4:12 "And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight."
Frank, If you read your post you will find that you are still not over Bush. He's gone. Get over it. Got anything to snivel about on Reagan?

He's gone? But the memory lingers on. Wake up jimpeel, and as Ann Landers used to say, smell the coffee. Get over it? Why? So you can take the stupid crap he pulled by lying to America and push it under the pillow. Or is it easier to say all politicians lie or all politicians lie to get troops on the ground.

But God forbid anyone should speak ill of Bush or Cheney yet it is okay to make the internet sizzle with trivia and meaningless drivel about President Obama. Meanlingless stuff but that seems to be the extreme right wing Republican calling card these days. Especuially since there is nothing else to hang their hat on. I guess when you are losing people faster than they can be converted, the best thing to do is use ephemera.

And any time you would ever care to enter into discussion about what "Hollywood" Ronnie Reagan did to start this country on the downward slide, feel free. Hell, why not start with President Eisenhower. And to think you and others like you have the audacity to even mention the word socialist when speaking of President Obama !!!
He's gone? But the memory lingers on. Wake up jimpeel, and as Ann Landers used to say, smell the coffee. Get over it? Why? So you can take the stupid crap he pulled by lying to America and push it under the pillow. Or is it easier to say all politicians lie or all politicians lie to get troops on the ground.

But God forbid anyone should speak ill of Bush or Cheney yet it is okay to make the internet sizzle with trivia and meaningless drivel about President Obama. Meanlingless stuff but that seems to be the extreme right wing Republican calling card these days. Especuially since there is nothing else to hang their hat on. I guess when you are losing people faster than they can be converted, the best thing to do is use ephemera.

And any time you would ever care to enter into discussion about what "Hollywood" Ronnie Reagan did to start this country on the downward slide, feel free. Hell, why not start with President Eisenhower. And to think you and others like you have the audacity to even mention the word socialist when speaking of President Obama !!!

Now, if I was to take this exact post, swap all the Conservative names for Liberal and vice versa, would anyone be able to tell that it wasn't a Jim or Gonz post and not a Frank or Spike one?