this is how absurd you seem to the rest of us


looks like iranians are upset that their israeli fruit is actually

fucking chinese.

whatever, bitcxhes.

it's "infiltration."

"Nevertheless, Teheran immediately responded to the "Zionist" infiltration."


doesn't matter what it is. or where it comes from. it's wacky obamaism, er, zionism.

OMG... Iran is full of tards. Israel is a close neighbor that could potentially help Iran (and other neighbors) economically (trade brings peace!). Why Iran can't get along with it's neighbor I'll never understand. The intellectuals in Iran are constantly being over-shouted by the freaks. It's a crying shame that Iran can't get an intelligent ruler to turn that country around. It has such a beautiful and important, world renown history only to be sullied by it's current situation.

Love this part too...
"According to Israel Fruit Growers' Association chairman Ilan Eshel, dozens of tons of fruit goes through the IDF crossings into the Gaza Strip every year. And Israeli-grown avocados, persimmons and bananas are routinely sold to buyers in Jordan, from where - stickers removed - they reach customers in Arab states, including the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. "