this is moronic


New Member
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Cartwheels and handstands have gotten an 11-year-old girl temporarily bounced out of her Los Angeles-area school.

Deirdre Faegre was suspended for a week after repeatedly disobeying school officials who told her not to perform gymnastic stunts during lunchtime.

"Our first concern is the safety of all children," San Jose-Edison Academy Principal Denise Patton told the San Gabriel Valley Tribune. Patton said Deirdre could accidentally strike another student, or injure herself, and other children could get hurt trying to imitate Deirdre, who has been doing gymnastics for five years.

Deirdre's father, Leland Faegre, said it was absurd to suspend his daughter for doing gymnastics when students were allowed to play basketball and other sports.

"Contact sports, apparently, are fine. But this one is so dangerous it requires the cartwheel cops," Faegre said

run, jump, and play is fine...but no kindergarten level acrobatics!
Professur said:
Now, this is where the "please don't sue me" paranoia is taking you. I hope you all enjoy it.

Hey, up yours! I'm going to sue you for defaming the American character. :lloyd:
Geez, I wish we could sue for anything over here. Like when the kid had played basketball during recess, and came home with a thumb so swollen, we spent the evening at the hospital to find out if it was broken.

I mean, God forbid kids should move about, right? It just ain't good for 'em.
so if contact sports are ok then why isnt gymnastics? the safety of the kids? hmm. well when you have head in ass shit comes out
I'll be the anti here and say I've been kicked by a rogue cartwheeler. Not the funnest thing. And I'm way bigger. Someone my own size would wipe me out I betcha.
I almost lost my ability to walk after I did a cartwheel, and stuck my foot through glass. :shrug: Shredded all my tendons, and my foot still has problems more than ten years later.
I agree with the school system. I don't see the 'crime' as being cartwheels. I see the crimes as repeatedly disobeying school officials. It is along the same lines of the prosecution of Clinton as merely being about sex. No... it was about his lying under legal oath.