This is not my year

Stop Laughing

New Member
Thursday night into Friday morning, a swollen pimple got so bad and far up my face I resembled Quasimodo, even puffy above my eye. A visit to the ER and 4 days in the hospital on IV antibiotics (again!) and I'm out. Just got out of there 2 months ago, this better not be a trend...

Sorry I don't have a pic, with my face too swollen to put on my glasses and my haste to get dressed and ready for the ER at 3 AM, finding my digital camera wasn't on my mind's 'to do' list. It might've been an interesting pic, I could barely open my left eye.
Thursday night into Friday morning, a swollen pimple got so bad and far up my face I resembled Quasimodo, even puffy above my eye. A visit to the ER and 4 days in the hospital on IV antibiotics (again!) and I'm out. Just got out of there 2 months ago, this better not be a trend...

Sorry I don't have a pic, with my face too swollen to put on my glasses and my haste to get dressed and ready for the ER at 3 AM, finding my digital camera wasn't on my mind's 'to do' list. It might've been an interesting pic, I could barely open my left eye.

It's ok. Not my year either.

  • -I didn't get the internship I was qualified for, or the three scholarships I applied for, so I'm back to square one with paying for school.
  • -My car was vandalized - twice - in one week.
  • -My on-campus job has been full of broken promises. Mind you, I made $6.25 last year and am due for a raise to $6.50. I work the front desk of a residence hall and am therefore a target if anything serious were to happen. Not only do they make us wear BRIGHT YELLOW staff shirts, but they promised a silent alarm that didn't happen, and we're not allowed to work shifts in pairs. I've got an interview elsewhere tomorrow.
  • -Of course, my wisdom tooth surgery that is still causing me pain.
  • -My serious UTI problems... had one, took Cipro, went away. Had another 6 months later that landed me 5 hours in the ER (11:30pm to 4:30 am) for them to tell me I have hemorrhagic cystitis. They gave me a few days of sulfameth and told me I'd be fine after that, harrassed me about the possibility that I was pregnant (despite regular BCP use) and send me on my way. About a week after the sulfameth was gone, UTI came back. Apparently they neglected to tell me that the method was temporary and I had to go back to my regular doc. Thank the gods I did; she gave me more Cipro and all has been well since (knock on wood).

Go 2007?

I'm glad you're ok after an ordeal like that. Did it literally just happen overnight?
This week actually started out good for me, I made a big impression on my district manager and he gave me a $1.25/hr raise just a couple days before this. It started swelling up about 2 days before I went in, I tried to see a regular doc but my HMO sucks and by the time Friday came and it was past my eye, I figured I better go ASAP before it went too far for me to remain coherent.
This week actually started out good for me, I made a big impression on my district manager and he gave me a $1.25/hr raise just a couple days before this. It started swelling up about 2 days before I went in, I tried to see a regular doc but my HMO sucks and by the time Friday came and it was past my eye, I figured I better go ASAP before it went too far for me to remain coherent.

Ack! At least it's taken care of...
Wow, you guys have had some nasty stuff this year.

Personally, this year has been great for me, nothing to complain about.
On the plus side, SL, Lou Pinella's your manager now and even if you don't win you can count on it being more entertaining. ;)
This year has been for me...I can't really say it's been good and I can't really say it's been bad...I'm hoping I'll soon beable to say it's been a good year but it's just as likely that I'll end up having to say it's been a bad year.