This is so dis-heartening


molṑn labé
Staff member
I so looked forward to lambasting Slick Willie...again...but I can't.

A story appeared in the Daily Times in Pakistan saying
Former US president Bill Clinton on Friday condemned the publication of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) caricatures by European newspapers and urged countries concerned to convict the publishers.

Which of course, would be fall right in line with this socialist. However, not once is there an actual quote of him saying that. The BBC did get some footage & transcribe it...
“I strongly disagree with both the creation and publication of cartoons that were considered blasphemous to devout Muslims around the world because they depicted the Prophet. And I thought it was a mistake. I had no objection to Muslims throughout the world demonstrating their convictions in a peaceful way. But I thought it was also a great opportunity, which I fear has been squandered, to build bridges, because I can tell you that most people in the United States deeply respect Islam - it is the fastest growing religion in America - as do most people in Europe, and most people in Denmark. We live in societies where people are free to say the wrong things as well as the right things, but I would not be surprised if the person who drew those cartoons and the newspaper publisher who decided to print them did not even know that it was considered by Muslims to be blasphemous to have any kind of personal depiction of the Prophet.”

Now, if they'd only find the part where he says to convict the publishers & cartoonists.

Is this not the same guy that had Osama served up onna plate
to him by the Sudanese and said 'nah let him go'?
And it's the same guy that was turned away from a golf course that was hosting a ladies' championship in order to protect the women:

Golf course accused of presidential snub
February 25, 2006 - 6:04AM

A Victorian golf club refused to allow former US president Bill Clinton to play a round of golf during his Australian visit because the course was hosting its mid-week ladies championships.

Medway Golf Club, near Melbourne, denied Mr Clinton of his favourite pastime, saying the course was already too crowded by the senior women golfers, News Limited newspapers say.

Mr Clinton instead played at nearby Sanctuary Lakes Golf Club.

Despite some embarrassment, the female golfers involved in the incident stood by the snub.

The club's chief executive, Noel Stringer, said he would write to the former US president to explain why he was not allowed to play.

I imagine that letter will have the words "perjury" "criminality" "adultery" "immorality" and "embarassment" in it.
And isn't this the same guy that tried to convince the Pope that abortion is alright and claimed "progress"?
Nice how Pres. Bush keeps him in the public eye just for memories like these!

I can't look at a pic of Clintoon without thinking of what a morally corrupt loser he really is--is. And what a spineless pushover Shrillary is for not putting a stop to his screwing around on her.
Lock up your daughters, the Clintoon Foundation is looking for interns:

Hands-on experience: Interns have the responsibility of interacting directly with staff, volunteers and Foundation stakeholders, in such activities as communications, development, and scheduling. Through firsthand experience you learn how the Clinton Foundation functions on a daily basis, and assist with this process directly.

Please submit photo with application, males need not apply. Prior experience as a humidor a plus.
The Other One said:
Nice how Pres. Bush keeps him in the public eye just for memories like these!

I can't look at a pic of Clintoon without thinking of what a morally corrupt loser he really is--is. And what a spineless pushover Shrillary is for not putting a stop to his screwing around on her.

In fact a person can make the arguement that Billery does not know how to satisfy a man....